Weblin: A self-experiment

For three weeks I am a mermaid. With a red whitetail and a blue fin, I'm surfing through the net - and with me dwarfs, polar bears, suits and girls in miniskirts.

Weblin is the Internet service that makes people visible on the Web. Anyone who logs on, can download a small pixel figure, which accompanies you from now on every step of the browsing. My weblin is called Nell and with it I can see all the other weblins that are currently on the same site as me.

A chat

Who does he prefer: me or the Pixelbabe?

"Well, how are you?", Asks IHTi, as I look around at SchülerVZ. His avatar looks like a Kevin Kurányi blend: brown hair back, a beard approach. He wears jeans, shirt and vest - he has his hands in his pockets. "Best, and yourself?" I ask back. The mini-Kurányi walks across the browser window in my direction and stands directly between me and another Pixelbabe in hot pants and a tight shirt. Then he opens the private chat.

iHTi: How are your holidays so far? Nell: are a dream. Finally sleep late. And your? Much celebrated? iHTi: Haha, yes ... and how do you celebrate New Year's Eve? Nell: Quiet with some friends. And you? iHTi: New Year's Eve is celebrated bigoooooooo ... Nell: what does big mean? Big party? Or just a lot of dancing and beer? iHTi: Hmmm, here in Canada they can not dance. But many people are supposed to come. Nell: What are you doing in Canada? iHTi: Year abroad ... until summer. Nell: And? How is it there? iHTi: Good and easy. Nell: and, uh, why can not they dance there? iHTi: Because they are all lumberjacks.

Aha. Then there is radio silence. Whether the Kuranyi-type prefers talking to the hot Pixelbabe? I'm afraid of a lot. But he should. I continue walking.

At www.leo.org, the Internet dictionary, I ask a young lady if she can quickly translate a vocabulary for me? But ignored at the finest. In google stand on the left and right two suits in the corner around, the "Longer absent" have entered as a status. Laaangweiler!

On the next page you read: the big eavesdropping and the party

An eavesdropping attack

For this I listen to four dog avatars in the dog forum. Dog 1: And what dress size does she have? 60? Dog2: What is she doing on TV ?! Dog 1: Present yourself and your friend. He probably has a thick fetish. Dog3: I thought that is a slimming story? Dog 4: Why do you cross them at all? Because of the size? Dog 2: Well, the Danes were probably too big for them. Dog3: Um, great reason. Then they should choose a smaller breed.

What Please? Somehow I lost the connection between Dog3 and Dog4 ...

A party

Dancing, kissing, annoying: With the Weblins you can do almost anything

So next: On the Weblin page reigns supreme party mood. As soon as I'm there, I'm greeted joyfully and immediately "mumbled" - the Weblin counterpart to grin on StudiVZ. I get my first friend invitation and from all sides waving girls and boys, deer and cats - a dwarf puts a dance for me on the floor. As a reward, I happily clap my hands, because my little avatar can do some pretty nice actions. I can spread air kisses with him, if someone likes me, yawn, if it gets really boring, if I get angry, and nod in agreement to make a sly impression. And I can dance! My mermaid performs graceful movements in pirouettes and moves her arms up and down like in ballet. Oh, if I could in normal life but so beautiful! But whatever. I have my little mermaid now.

Xenoscapes - Zero Space (Original Mix) - D.M.T. Records (May 2024).

Self-experiment, Dwarf, Kevin Kurányi, Avatar, Canada, bym, bym.de, ChroniquesDuVasteMonde young miss, weblin, internet