Is it unhealthy to suppress the puffing?

Who once experienced this moment? and has fucked in public? would like to banish this embarrassment forever from his memory. And make sure that the puffing is suppressed in the future. Nevertheless, the medicine is united: Let the Pups out, otherwise threatening unpleasant health consequences!

Why is suppressing unhealthy?

Most people try to suppress their flatulence. However, according to experts, this is definitely not the best solution. After all, we are in danger of causing the following symptoms: abdominal pain, indigestion, hyperinflation, bloating and physical discomfort. So it's better to let the air escape? and to retire to a quiet place or to the fresh air.

How does the air in the intestine develop?

Basically, there are two causes of air in your intestines: either we are ingesting too much air or we are eating too many carbohydrates that contain starch and sugar. Anyone who "swallows" too much air will usually expel them again, but sometimes they also get into the intestine. Indigestible carbohydrates are fermented by intestinal bacteria, resulting in gases.

For people with a sensitive bowel, it is therefore advisable to reduce the consumption of legumes, whole grains and cabbage to a minimum. They provide gases in the small and large intestine, which can sometimes be quite painful. Anyone who has ever been worried about the smell should be told that stinkers are not a warning signal. A strong smell is usually caused by proteins in our food.

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Pups, digestion, flatulence