Love ignores you? 4 reasons why this does not have to stay that way

1. Who lets go expectations, is successful

Dating apps and online dating sites are great ways to get to know other singles that you would not otherwise have met in your (professional) life. But they also stir up expectations, especially that one can plan love. But it does not work. There is no time schedule for love and you can not choose the perfect man. Instead, the people who give up dating for a while and are at peace with themselves experience the most wondrous things. They have conversations with men they may never have clicked on an online dating site, but they turn out to be interesting.

Love is just at the beginning of a game that works very well when you're feather-light and not immediately in the head to the condo weiterplant. Being authentic and open - and always a bit noncommittal. This is the right recipe to inspire others.

2. Old patterns can be dropped

You do not know why, but you ALWAYS end up with the wrong people? After all, is not it your fault that the men are forgiven? For the first time it may be coincidence, but the second and third time you can ask yourself if there is a pattern behind it. Many singles want a relationship on the conscious level but are not ready for it with the heart. Because, for example, they are afraid to show themselves in front of a new partner with all the strong and weak sides. It is good to deal lovingly with yourself in this case.

The author and psychotherapist Stefanie Stahl says in the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde interview: "The woman unconsciously avoids a committed relationship because she is afraid of not being satisfied with a man and being left behind." In attachment anxiety, the fear of a relationship's failure is greater than that But most people are unaware of this, so they can not handle this problem either and then they either stay single for a long time or their relationships fail again and again. "

3. A "too late" does not exist

The beauty of love is - you can not get too old for it. You can become too old for having a baby, a condominium loan or a wedding in your own 30s. But NOT for the love. One should not forget that. Life sometimes thwarts dreams and expectations, but no matter what happens: it still has love on offer.

4. Love wants you not to lose sight of yourself

A happy relationship is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to us in life. But nevertheless we must not overestimate their influence. You are still the same person. All the problems and the quirks that make us up, because they may shape us since childhood belong to us. No matter who is on our side. Another person can not heal us, he can only accompany us. Therefore one must not neglect the love for oneself. She is the most reliable in our life.

When a Man Ignores You - Do This! (May 2024).

Dating, single, dating, dating, love