Hands full? This woman has an amazing solution to the problem

So, the obvious question first: Weightlifting with the vagina - why only? How do you get such an idea? Kim Anami, by profession "Sex Coach" has invented this very special abdominal training, because it considers a good musculature underneath indispensable if you want to have good sex. The ideal state for her is a so-called "kung fu vagina" (do not run away, dear gentlemen reading, you do not have to be scared, honest). This is also beyond dispute: Experts agree that a strong pelvic floor muscles astronomically increases the joy of sex. But: The common pelvic floor exercises were not effective enough. Therefore, she thought a step further and - voila - the weight lifting by vagina was born. Of course, this discipline is not (yet) official Olympic sport, but Anami has convincingly presented the benefits of her training in a video.

And what do you do as a sex coach to spread his method as convincingly as possible? Kim made a trip around the world - and documented under the hashtag #thingsiliftwithmyvagina on Instagram what can be transported with their special training so everything.

Weight lifting via vagina: the photos to click through

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Weight lifting via vagina: the photos to click through

Not convinced yet? Perhaps these motivational words will continue to help: "I want every woman to know that she, too, can shoot table tennis balls with her vagina, which is not a talent that only special vaginas in Thailand can do," says Anami about her genital bodybuilding.

If you're in for a taste, Kim can book an online crash course at Vagina Kung Fu for $ 550, but personal training is also possible, but costs a bit more. But then you not only have a powerful pelvic floor, but also the most spectacular holiday photos of all time on Facebook post.

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Vagina, instagram, nude_content, vagina, muscles, sport, travel, photos