You can only see it once in your life: today comes the strawberry moon!

Admittedly, the moon will not shine as magnificently red as in our symbol photo, but it will certainly be impressive. Because: The strawberry moon shines full orange and should be seen everywhere in Germany.
But why is he called Strawberry Moon when it's orange? It's not the color, it's the strawberry harvest! The background to this is that the indigenous people of America associate the beginning of the strawberry harvest with the full moon of June, an expert tells the picture in an interview. The geologist Ulrich Köhler also explains: "It is a rare event that the full moon and summer solstice with the highest position of the sun a year take place in one day, the next time it will be 2062, most recently it was 1967."

So: Take a few minutes tonight or night and have a look at this very special Moonrise - it's a really rare spectacle!

Video Recommendation:

Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains The "Strawberry Moon" (May 2024).

Nature spectacle, Germany, strawberry moon, weather, nature spectacle