Where does the fat go if you lose weight?

Slimming, fat reduction, bubble butt - we are obsessed with slimming. Quite apart from whether a slender, seemingly perfect body is absolutely desirable, there are about losing weight already a few questions that are quite interesting. So we have never really wondered what happens to all the fat we get rid of. After all, we are just happy when it's gone. The question of where the fat goes when losing weight is quite exciting.

Colleagues at Prevention researched the question and found answers from Louis Aronne, a physician and obesity expert at the New York Presbyterian / Weill Cornell Medical Center. When losing weight, the fat cells do not simply dissolve in the air, but become smaller (when losing weight) and larger (when growing). The number of fat cells is set once in childhood.

Fat cells store energy in the form of fatty acids that they get from food. These fatty acids are stored in the fat cell and make them bigger. When you lose weight, the body converts fat into energy that you need to build muscle and other processes. This ensures that the fat in the fat cells shrinks again. If some fat cells shrink or enlarge in this way, it means we are losing weight or gaining weight.

Dr. Oz on Weight Loss (May 2024).
