10 things you can do wrong while brushing your teeth

1. Do not clean the toothbrush

Over time, most people become careless when brushing their teeth. Especially when it comes to the cleaning of the toothbrush. Because not only your teeth, also the brush head must be rinsed thoroughly after cleaning. Only then can bacteria be removed properly. Make sure the bristles get dry, because wet bristles are a real playground for germs.

2. scrub the teeth

If you brush your teeth too hard, you can even damage them and cause deep grooves in the enamel. So avoid pressing hard! Better is: Instead of short and heavy, longer and careful brushing.

3. Brush the teeth gently

The opposite of scrubbing is when you gently stroke your teeth with the toothbrush. It can hardly be removed deposits and bacteria. You should also make sure that you not only clean the visible areas, but also? and especially ? the insides of the teeth!

4. Too much to clean

Many think that it is necessary to brush your teeth for a particularly long and often. In fact, you do not do any good to your teeth. On the contrary, it irritates the gums and teeth. The basic rule is: clean two to three times a day for two to a maximum of three minutes!

5. Clean immediately after eating

Another common misconception is to brush your teeth right after eating. You should better avoid this because: Many foods contain acid that softens the enamel, which is then brushed off directly. Better: first rinse your mouth with water and wait half an hour for the enamel to regain its firmness.

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6. Brush in the wrong direction

According to a study by the Forsa Institute with 1025 participants, about 57 percent of adults brush their teeth according to old primary school technology. That means ? in a circular motion. For younger children, this technique is quite suitable, but no later than the age of teens, the so-called bass technique should be applied. The toothbrush is placed obliquely against the gums and wiped in small, jolting movements from the gums to the teeth. This is the most effective way to remove plaque.

7. Use the wrong toothbrush

As far as possible, a toothbrush should not be particularly hard so that it does not damage the teeth or injure the gums. The brush should always be attuned to the mouth and be small enough to reach the farthest corner in the mouth. Electric toothbrushes, for example, are ideal for gentle and thorough tooth cleaning.

8. Clean in the wrong place

Brushing your teeth on the toilet? Better not! Every time you use the toilet flush, bacteria are spewed into the air that spreads throughout the room. And also be able to settle on the toothbrush.

9. Use an old toothbrush

Whether out of thoughtlessness or convenience: Many simply use the old toothbrush endlessly and do not change it. A toothbrush should be disposed of after three to four months. Pay attention to the condition of the brush. Once the bristles have lost color or shape, the cleaning result suffers as well.

10. Ignore the tongue

The tongue surface provides bacteria with an ideal breeding ground. For this reason, it is extremely important that the tongue is not neglected in the daily oral care. This not only reduces the tongue coating, but also promotes the taste sensation and prevents aphthae.

11 Mistakes You Make Brushing Your Teeth | Develop Proper Tooth Care Habits (May 2024).

Tooth, elementary school, toothbrush, cleaning, brushing teeth, dental hygiene, brushing, teeth, cleaning