Sneating is a nasty dating scam? have you ever done it?

From C like cushioning to O like orbitting? so slowly we could even think about an alphabet of dating meshes. In any case, we would have covered another letter with S like Sneating.

What is Sneating?

Actually Sneating is? like so many other trends too? a tried and tested principle that is currently doing the rounds again. Back in 2011, the term was included in the "Urban Dictionary", an English dictionary for slang expressions. What is meant by that? Very easily: Go on dates to feed on at the expense of his date partners, These in turn, including their feelings, play only a minor role for the sneater, are virtually means to cover.

And because someone who uses other people on dating in such a nasty way is both sneaky and "eat", that is called sneating. Yes, that closes the circle.

Who now feels safe as a woman, because, if the bill is not shared, always paid the man: wake up! We have the 21st century and the days when the He-Paid Rule was considered a good sound are long gone (luckily ?!).

Anyone can become a sneaker? or?

Nevertheless, how easy it can be for women (and how great the temptation), especially through the use of dating portals like Tinder durchzufuttern, recently described a young woman in a sneating experience report at "Whimn". As a law student, she has a very small budget and must resist a lot, it says.

At first she only went on dates if she could afford it herself. But when she met a certain Dan, she probably had a kind of key experience. At Dan, virtually everything had been different than expected: Smaller than stated, ten years older than in his photos.

Nevertheless, she spent the evening with Dan, drank a lot of wine, even ordered a dessert. When Dan finally offered to pay the bill at the end of the evening, she thought for the first time in her dating career: "Fuck it, leave it." First, but not the last. Through Dan, she has become a habit sneaker? once broken taboo, zack, slipped clean.

Of course, this story can not morally justify sneating. After all, it's never okay to take advantage of other people, not even those who lied or deceived us. But before we get outraged and automatically see an asshole in every sneater, maybe we should be careful. Otherwise we are in the end as said student? and possibly wrong many people, even though they do not deserve it.

Video tip: Mosting? Beware of this dating trend

Whoa - a THIRD of woman admit to dating men just for free meals (May 2024).
