Study: Chips from McDonalds protect against hair loss!

They are greasy, unhealthy, thick and have only harmful ingredients - we are talking about the bad reputation of French fries. Finally, they are deep-fried in hot fat and no longer have any nutrients that are really useful to the human body at the latest. All the more surprising are the results of a new study: It found out that the consumption of chips should stimulate hair growth.

Chips from McDonalds prevent hair loss

The loss of hair is initially nothing unusual, an average of 100 hair loses every day. Only if these hairs do not regrow in the same amount, it is called permanent hair loss. To stop this is a great challenge for many people affected. Researchers are constantly on the lookout for new remedies that provide relief.

Surprised: Japanese scientists have now found out that just a substance that is used for example by McDonalds for the preparation of fries to help against hair loss!

More specifically, it is polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). This is an ingredient that is added to the frying fat to prevent the hot oil from foaming. Polydimethylsiloxane should be absolutely harmless and is even used in medicine. The positive properties of the substance still have been uncovered in Japan: The scientists of Yokohama National University in a study showed that polydimethylsiloxane can prevent hair loss and at the same time stimulates hair growth.

"This simple method is very robust and promising, and we hope this technique will improve the treatment of human hair loss (...)," said Junji Fukuda, a professor at Yokohama National University.

Do not feel like greasy fries? These foods also provide for strong hair

You also have problems with thin and dull hair? Of course, then this news does not mean that you should treat yourself to a daily dose of chips from now on. Unfortunately, they still have negative effects on the skin and health. That's why we introduce you to 20 foods that are healthy, while providing shiny hair and a great complexion:

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20 foods for beautiful skin and shiny hair

THE TRUTH about McDonald's French Fries For Hair Growth & Possible Cure For Hair Loss? WITH STUDIES (May 2024).