Divorce from Boris and Lilly Becker: So icy they deal with each other in court

The divorce between Boris Becker (51) and his wife Lilly Becker (42) is in full swing. Now, on Monday in London, an appointment took place before the family court, on which both appeared. According to consistent media reports, the still-married people paid no attention.

Nevertheless, the two took a step into a possibly more conciliatory future. They agreed on the divorce ground.

For Boris and Lilly Becker's hearing on finances, the press is not allowed

The judge has already ended the public procedure after 20 minutes, reports the "Bild" newspaper. In a next hearing then the topic of finances was on the agenda, but in which the press was not allowed.

Even after the trial, the two apparently went consciously separate ways: So Becker had left the building through the rear exit, his still-wife is said to have used the main entrance.

Parallel to the divorce Boris Becker must also face insolvency proceedings in London - 14 creditors have registered claims of 61.5 million euros, reported the mirror.

Videotipp: Boris and Lilly Becker aged by 20 years? That's what they look like!

Who is Boris Becker, is he divorcing wife Lilly and is he still declared bankrupt? (May 2024).

Boris Becker, Lilly Becker, London, divorce, Boris and Lilly Becker, Boris Becker, Lilly Becker