3 simple habits that give you more time in everyday life

"No time!" ? How often do we think (and say) that. When the days are crowded and the to-do list gets longer and longer, do we feel like we're getting nowhere? and still have not done anything. Time (!) To clean up in the time-budget.

Three helpful habits for more time in everyday life

1. Live by the Rule: Better one than five

Do not fool yourself than you can do. Sounds easy. But let's be honest: how often do we accept an invitation, even though it does not fit in time, or do we squeeze too many meetings in too little time? This does not mean that you should reject the extra task in the job in principle. But is it all right to prioritize and distribute commitments? and tell the boss and colleagues too. Motto: Better do one thing right than five just start.

2. Delegate? and right

Only those who do it themselves make it good? so far, so wrong. Being able to delegate is an important characteristic of a person, as it is evidence of trust in the other person. This applies both professionally and privately: Your colleague may do the job differently than you, but that does not mean the result is not right. And your friend will possibly also brush the oven or toilet differently? but if you think about it, you're not rid of the stress. Delegating means: really let go of work.

3. Make a 30 minute smartphone break

It vibrates, a message pops up? and immediately we feel we have to answer. As in real life, when someone addresses us. Only: Behind the smartphone, the other does not know what we are doing; how unfair it would be to be obliged to respond immediately. So are we going to be routine for being "offline" for 30 minutes, for example in the early morning or after hours? without Instagram perfection, without the news of this world, without tinkling.

Because let's think: what can be so urgent that it can not wait half an hour? When it comes to professional mail, it hardly takes 30 minutes, certainly not after work. And the missed call from the partner from the supermarket, if there is still milk is annoying? but not so tragic that we always have to be on call. A deliberately prescribed time-out only for ourselves, without accessibility, however, can noticeably relieve the feeling of the duration-hunt? that's worth a forgotten milk.

10 DAILY HABITS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE | Productivity + Happiness (May 2024).

Habit, everyday life, deceleration