Beauty tricks: The beauty secrets of the supermodels

Not only are they tall, slim and beautiful - they also have flawless skin. The good news: even with the supermodels, not only the good genes are responsible for the radiant complexion. Who thinks that Bella Hadid and Co. rely on expensive luxury cosmetics, is wrong. Many swear by quite unusual care routines that cost little and really work. Which are these, we reveal here ...

Toothpaste for pimples

The model sisters Bella Hadid (22) and Gigi Hadid (23) swear by pimples on a well-tried trick: toothpaste! "My sister once advised me to do that and I feel it helps really well," Bella once revealed in an interview. The trick actually works, as the toothpaste literally dries out the pimple. However, it should only be used as an emergency weapon and extremely sparingly on the affected areas - otherwise it may cause skin irritation.

Deep cleansing with steam

So that the skin between runway, shootings and castings can recover from the whole make-up procedure, Olivia Hunter treats regularly a deep cleansing for her pores. And because of Spa's visit, the newcomer model just puts a bowl of hot water on it and holds her face with a towel over it for a few minutes. If you like, you can add some mint tea or sea salt - pores can hardly be cleaned at a better price!

Even ex-supermodel Karolina Kurkova (35) swears by steam and also puts on a very sour morning routine: lemon juice for the face wash. "The acid clears my pores and dries out pimples immediately, which may not sound so glamorous, but my skin has been shining since then," says the beautiful Czech.

Ice water for a fresh complexion

No one should know better than Kate Moss (45): To look fresh after a long party night, it takes a little beauty measure. "Put ice and cucumber slices in a sink and stick your head in," Moss once said in an interview with The Daily Mirror. The cold leaves the skin instantly fresh and plump - and you wake up afterwards too!

Brush massage for a firm skin

Ex- "Victoria's Secret" Angel Miranda Kerr (35) is extensively involved with skincare and has even launched her own beauty label. But expensive care products are not her only beauty secret: The native Australian swears by daily brush massages, which stimulate the blood circulation and thus ensure a firm skin.

The right diet

That models pay attention to their diet, is well known. Pretty much everyone refrains from sugar, salted foods and of course alcohol before big shows or important shootings. The vices are not only unhealthy, but also swamp the skin. Instead, there are basic vegetables and proteins. And, of course, for every model: water, water, drink water!

Amber Valletta's Secret to Her Natural Supermodel Glow | Beauty Secrets | Vogue (May 2024).

Supermodel, Bella Hadid, Cosmetics, Water, Gigi Hadid, Kate Moss, Beauty Tricks, Models, Skin Care, Beauty, Bella Hadid, Karolina Kurkova, Miranda Kerr