Pregnancy Week 20 (SSW 20) - Halftime!

This is how the baby develops in the 20th week of pregnancy

Mountain Festival! Only 20 weeks of pregnancy, then the time has come! By the 20th week of pregnancy, the fifth month of pregnancy is over.

Your baby is about now25 centimeters (from head to feet) big and weighs around250 grams, In the ultrasound examinations, the femur lengthThat is, the length of the femur is measured to determine size, weight and stage of development. In the SSW 20 she lies at about 31 millimeters.

The head of the unborn child already has a diameter of five centimeters and his brain is developing rapidly: PAt the minute, 200,000 new brain cells are formed! Remmidemmi is already in the right place in your stomach, the baby beats somersaults, struggles, plays with his hands, feet and umbilical cord. Although the fetus still has the eyelids closed, but already reacts to external stimuli and canbright and dark differ. When blinded, it even holds its hands over the eyes.

From the 20th week of pregnancy is also slowly oneFat layer under the skin of your baby. The main purpose of this is to stabilize his body temperature after birth and create a small cushion. After all, a birth also costs a lot of strength!

Pregnancy Calendar: This happens in SSW 20 in your body

Do you notice that you are getting something short-winded and you have to go to the bathroom more often? It is not only the large amount of blood that is pumped through your body that is responsible, but also the uterus, which takes up more space in your abdominal area every SSW and almost reaches your belly button. She will grow about one centimeter per week until she is born. The consequence: Your organs need to make room and not only push down towards the bladder, but also up towards the lungs. Fortunately, that changes again: if the abdomen sinks in the last weeks of pregnancy, you also get better air. The amplified urination Unfortunately, you will stay until the end of the pregnancy.

Your stomach gets hard now and then? That can be the first practice pains, tooBraxton Hicks contractions be called, his. But do not worry: exercise labor is harmlessbut for your uterus an important training to prepare for the birth. But do not worry if you do not feel anything, that's what many pregnant women do. A pregnancy is quite unique.

Important: As long as your stomach gets hard at irregular intervals and for a short period of time, there's nothing to worry about. Kicking though Pain or bleeding Please let the doctor know immediately.

20th week: Back pain and what you can do about it

Even the back notes meanwhile that the uterus per SSW is getting bigger, the increase in weight Due to the increasing amount of amniotic fluid, the weight of the baby, the growing breast, the amount of blood in the body and the stored water, there are kilos to wear.

By the end of pregnancy, the weight gain splits up like this:

  • The uterus weighs about a kilo
  • the placenta about 500 grams
  • amniotic fluid a kilo
  • Growth of breasts 500 grams
  • increased hematopoiesis about two kilos
  • fluid retention about three kilos
  • reserves the mother about two kilos
  • the infant just before birth: 3,000 to 3,500 grams

In addition, the body posture often changes due to the size of the abdomen.

Time to do good for your back!

  • The perfect yoga exercise in pregnancy: cow-cat. You go to all fours and make alternately first a hump and then an extreme hollow cross. Make the exercise nice and slow with flowing transitions! Important: When exhaling the cross up, the chin to the chest ... (Caution: do not exaggerate, should remain comfortable for the back, neck and back). When inhaling, lower the ribcage, pull the shoulder blades backwards while lifting the head. Caution: Do not make too large hollow cross.
  • A warm bath is good! But you should pay attention to that: not too hot and not too long! A water temperature around 38 degrees is ideal, too hot baths can increase the risk of premature labor. Bath for a maximum of 15 minutes and best to take a glass of water with you to the bathroom. And: be careful when getting in and out!
  • Massage of the lower back:Lie comfortably on the side. If you already have a nursing pillow, you can put it between your legs, which relieves the spine. Maybe the expectant dad wants to massage your muscles on the side of the spine. But there are also massages especially for mothers ("mommy-to-be") who offer professional masseurs.
  • A warm one Kirschkernkissen Relieves tension. Heat at about 150 degrees for five minutes in the microwave or in the oven and do not put too hot on the lumbar spine.

Get out of everyday life again! Traveling in pregnancy

The second trimester (14-26 weeks) is for most pregnant women Feel-trimester: Initial complaints have disappeared and the stomach is not so big that it is exhausting. Many couples use this time to go to the cinema, socialize with friends, or do some spa before the exciting time with baby starts.

Also Travel is at this time with many expectant parents highly in the course. Here you can enjoy your togetherness again and dive from everyday lifeif you do not already have kids to care for. From a medical point of view, nothing is wrong with a trip, of course, assuming that your pregnancy runs smoothly.

But what you should avoid:

  • exotic holiday areas with bad hygienic conditions and poor medical care
  • malarial
  • Long-haul flights because of the risk of trombosis

Important: Some airlines Do not take pregnant women from the 28th week of pregnancy, with others you can fly until the 34th or even 36th week of pregnancy. Inquire therefore before you book with the airline, also about whether you one certificate by your gynecologist or midwife. There are also special ones in some countries entry requirements for pregnant women.

You would like to exchange yourself with other expectant moms? Then have a look at our ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Community!

Videotipp: Pregnant on world tour: This mom lives her dream!

Update 20. SSW - Risikoschwanger und ohne Vorsorge? (May 2024).

Birth date, pregnancy, back pain