Ingenious trick: You can save 1378 Euro in one year

It sounds way too ingenious: With a very simple trick, you can save 1378 euros in one year and just get rich! And when we look at it, we ask ourselves: Why have not we always done that?

Because if you do the trick, you can watch your money mountain grow every week. And best of all, it does not even hurt.

Because with the trick you start small and have at the end of the year a big mountain of money. You save exactly 1378 Euro within 52 weeks if you are doing the "52 Weeks Spar Challenge". Many fans always start this challenge at the beginning of a new year, but when you start it is completely up to you.

This is how the "52 weeks savings challenge" works, with which you save 1378 euros

Best of all, you do not need much to start the challenge for yourself and get started. If you have a nice glass or a money box and a piece of paper and a pen, you are fully equipped.

And then it starts: Every week you throw money into your glass or money box. The simple but ingenious trick: You save one more euro every week!

Specifically, that means: In the first week you throw a euro in your glass, in the second week two euros, in the third week three euros? and so you go on all year.

At the end of the year, in the 52nd week, you'll save 52 euros. And if you now empty your glass and recalculate, you are amazed: 1378 Euro you have collected with this simple trick! That's how easy it is!

This is how others master their savings challenge:

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Guuuuuteeeeen morning my sweet! Those who follow me since at least the beginning of the year, know that we make the # 52weeksMoneyChallenge. I was able to carry some of you along

GELDVERMÖGEN: Die Deutsche sparen, sparen und sparen (May 2024).

Investment, Money Tip, Financial Tip, Finance