How the Supatopcheckerbunny sees the world

Reading: The Bunnys in Action

© Miriam Ellerbrake

In the beginning was a comic about a smart-eyed bunny that Ulrike Mortal wrote for Titanic magazine. Then came the readings, so-called Bunny Lectures, which "Supatopcheckerbunny" Mortal held with her "Hilfscheckerbunny" Stese Wagner in a Berlin club.

At the end there is a book that the two have published with the help of other experts from the atmosphere of the Berlin "Central Intelligence Agency", a cultural think tank of the alternative scene. A book that does not re-explain the world, but opens funny angles. The Bunnies have a few words left for each topic. They make more and less sense. In any case, they are very entertaining.

Supatopcheckerbunny supst help Checkerbunny

First, the Topcheckerbunny gives wise associations to the youth of today, music and nutrition to the best, but also to highly spiritualized content such as "reality and illusion." Then Adorno or the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is tried. Following comes the Hilfscheckerbunny and collects his wisdom from the Internet together. These are in turn commented on by Topcheckerbunny in absurdly short footnotes. The staged competition between the Bunnys leads to the reading to the knowledge that the Hilfscheckerbunny is actually much better.

© Tex Rubinowitz and Ulrike Mortal

To whom this is too much female input, which is compensated by the male voice of reason, the "scientific assistant" Cornelius. And for people who do not like to read pure text, there are also small bunny comics from the Titanic in between.

And in which book are suitable music titles recommended after each chapter? In addition, even connoisseurs from the Berlin scene and the circle of acquaintances of the Bunnys are asked. There are diving as guest authors Names like Holm Friebe and Kathrin Passig on. But the blue-backed boxes, in which the subject is prepared in short crisp sentences again - as slogans, tips or proverbs - seem partially exaggerated and embarrassing. Too much of the good is just too much.

Claim is everything?

In the chapters, complex topics are broken down to everyday size, At the same time seemingly banal contents develop truly philosophical dimensions. That's the charm of the book.

On the subject of "music and dance" Supatopcheckerbunny uses Adorno and we learn from the Hilfscheckerbunny that music from "New Order!" happy and makes music by Grönemeyer unhappy. The Bunnies also manage to equate the Bachmann Prize with "Germany seeks the superstar for writers". When it comes to sexuality, the alternatives "back to cell division" and the purchase of a cat are considered in order to avoid the problems in bed.

But if Niklas Luhmann and Hans Magnus Enzensberger are quoted one after the other directly on one page, this is more reminiscent of an intellectual pose than a sovereign irony.

© Tex Rubinowitz and Ulrike Mortal

Nevertheless, this book is one thing above all else: entertaining. You should expect no new knowledge, but be prepared to laugh while reading aloud.

In part, the statements are not necessarily politically correct, for example, "consolation" donated "for people who have to live in a dictatorship" or "new sports for the Paralympics" are invented. But who laughs about politically correct? So what.

At the end there is the realization: "Some say so, and some say that, you can not emphasize this often enough, no matter what topic!"

The next "Bunny-Lecture" will take place on Friday, 25.04. in the Berlin club "nbi" instead.


If you ever want to know what the Bunnies have to say about fashion & fashion, get a free sample here.

newBERLIN in Second Life® on german TV: RBB WAS! (May 2024).

Space, Supatopcheckerbunny, Hilfscheckerbunny, Central Intelligence Agency, Bunny Lectures