
Lion 23.07. - 23.08.

Ruler: Sun Element: Fire

Your compass: When the rays of the sun, which your godmother, so to speak, at the zenith of their radiance and intensity have arrived, you meet the Earth. Exactly this symbolism is highly significant and symptomatic of your appearance. It shapes your charisma and your appearance. In 2014, under Jupiter's protection, even more glamor and glamor are your attributes, sun-sparkling vitality, energetic abundance, an impressive aura of your virtues. Your guidelines, affirmations and values ​​also fall out so magnificently. It may always come along a bit larger. Respect, dignity, attitude, ethos and a positive expectation of life, which magnetically attracts positive results, are part of your self-image. They orient themselves towards the greatest possible result and also align your goals. You are the central star of your life, that is why you are sometimes accused of self-centeredness. Psychologically, however, it is decidedly healthy to install the center in oneself and thereby become independent of the views and benevolence of others. But all that does not mean that you are exclusively circling around yourself. Without resonance, without a broad sphere of influence, you can not and do not want to live especially. You are a very responsible and social being with leadership qualities. Be it politics, social, creative or artistic projects, including a perfect gift for public relations work - you love the stage, especially as performance anxiety is not an issue for you. No matter what you initiate, create, move - your claim is to bring something special, trend-setting into life. Something that goes far beyond personal needs is your purpose. With so much commitment, success is almost an automatic companion effect, a homage to your work as well as, of course, desirable. You consider false artificial modesty for what it is: an attitude that serves to fish for compliments. Nothing for you! Authenticity, developing integrity and presenting proudly, but not with hubris, is part of your job. In order to find adequate self-esteem and sovereignty, you have to do your own work with so much splendor. It is true that the role of princess is given in shares in the cradle. However, the early childhood experiences and messages were often ambiguous. Maybe something elitist was brought to life and suggested. Great services that have to be the best, without anybody telling you what real intrinsic value you have. Nobody has prepared you for a failure, any deviation from the maximum is unacceptable. Of course the family motto is: the best or nothing! Combining creativity and mission awareness, leadership quality and enthusiasm artfully, is your mission. The possibilities have given you the cosmos as a birth present. Even if the puzzle pieces, which are laid out in you like mosaic stones, still have to be put together. Their quality of enriching world events with their own ambitions is part of your identity, your life myth. To go the way of the heart is your all-outsparking beacon. They know that it is only worthwhile to make a life's journey with passion and joy.

Love: A clever person once said: Love shows man his life goal. In any case, it is the greatest expression of joie de vivre and affirmation. In 2014, you will be one of the recipients, thanks to Jupiter. Although in its fullness and expression only from summer. So, look forward to a time of wonderful happiness and encounters that are especially appealing to the heart. Maybe lead to deep, intimate connection and the altar, but also promote artistic and personal growth enormously. You can benefit in every way! And quite lion-like, let others overshadow your glamor. But first, you're in a phase of transition to a new development cycle, including relationship skills. And that, even if it comes with a phased withdrawal into inner soul areas, perhaps also concretely mediation centers, and may also get used to for the loved ones and loved ones, a valuable time to be in a new way ready for relationship and love happiness. For the exploration of inner spaces, forgotten dreams and longings that accompany Saturn in the home of family dynamic processes beats to the family orders and secrets that affect you and your relationship patterns, whether positively supportive, or distance provocative, is the input to strive for a new togetherness in relationship. To fully engage rather than to make yourself comfortable in comfort zones.To understand love as an experience to be redesigned every day is Jupiterpresent. Without shared dreams, openness, romance and magic, however, the greatest kind of love emanates. Starting in summer, you decide whether you want to go on a treasure hunt in existing relationships, rekindle the sensual pleasures, kiss the erotic, if necessary, awake from the slumber, or follow a new love and seduction. But the lavishness of one's own claims should not be too much of a burden on the relationship. From August it is namely: Everything at the beginning. Jupiter draws you to your heart. It remains open in what way and with what surprises. Lilith, imponderable and wild, is in the action until November. Confidence and benevolent self-reflection, self-reflection and external reflection, are now the ideal conditions for openly encountering new experiences. And especially in love! Encounters can become a mystery, initiation, self-reflection, desire, consume, represent the whole program. Only sunshine and rose garden is not to be expected 2014 under Jupiter. Saturn is there and asks for something else as well: a connection that is supported by merriment and sense of responsibility, by respect and tolerance, by the willingness to share one's own visions, to align one's own goals with those of the partner. Together to determine the priorities! What's up? Marriage? Garing a family? What is important to you, what fits in the common life? Where do you find developmentally, where currently the opposite? The topic of parents, whether their own parenting or the parents in a figurative and concrete sense, becomes an elementary point of attention. You may also have to pay more attention to the well-being of your parents, but there may also be an overwhelming wish to have children, but there are also certain fears about the scope of the decision. Let your feeling speak. Or decide your body. Often even better knows what is right in this regard.

The job: Jupiter - synonymous with expansion and development of personal impact, is in a dominant position, Saturn the same. This sounds like a tie of will and skill, but is a good fit to realize big projects according to all the rules of the art. They not only look Jupiter-transfigured and with blind enthusiasm for opportunities, but solidify their positions via an inner censor, an internalized arithmetic artist and investment consultant. One who constantly checks the pros and cons, the pros and cons and the financial stumbling blocks. By July, the name of the real ideal goal is in the foreground anyway, also the search for the place, the right place, the prosperity prophesied, friendly minded, both you and your project. Since your professional ambitions are already larger and you are no longer satisfied with past merit, a move could be the concomitant, and you have to look at the choice of new living space from a broad perspective. Even your loved ones and loved ones must be in resonance with your project. Saturn in the house of the roots and innermost vital forces also advises to check the basis of every action, the motivation, the claim that stands behind the obvious. And since Uranus in the house of the search for meaning signals that external appearance may not be the decisive criterion and that both the subject matter and the concrete path should draw wider circles, can lead far into new territory, the choice must be a very conscious. One thing should be clear: No matter what tasks you favor, they must be felt as deeply meaningful and incorporate your rich potential. And: you might feel that you are on your own; because you are an authority person and thus at the top. This is always accompanied by a sense of great responsibility and sometimes a certain loneliness. At the top is mostly only for a seat. The feeling for you is not that new, not even the envy that often reaches you in very gentle waves. It's good to have a clear goal in mind and to weigh what you want to do for it. And which employees you can count on. A dependable, stable, domestic uplift, a partner who stands behind you, is of course the best prerequisite and your source of power! Pluto is in the House of Labor. Please do not be addicted to work. The organization will not let you out of hand to delegate certain tasks, but is the prerequisite to get your dream of a professional restart excellent and quite as desired.

Her powers: "Ars vivendi" is actually a lion term. And the art of making life an intoxicating event, your very special specialty. Which, of course, is not always available in the same way and greatness. In 2014, thanks to Jupiter, you will be able to appreciate the splendor of life, especially from July and August, with all your senses.But: Saturn is in the house of inner work and in an aspect that calls at least for the conscious regeneration of life forces. Excessive life force is not a matter of course, even if you often come across under Jupiter, as if you are the personified power. And Jupiter gladly invites you to literally exhale: small warning signs that signal a need for rest of the body ignore you too often. Pluto is in the house of physical condition. You may have lived for some time over your powers, the balance of tension and relaxation, the wise Momo principle, a broom stroke, a breath, just faded out. Become aware again in the perception of your needs! Respect, also to the body, is indicated. Detox cures would be an ideal measure. And: Favor a lustful life, this is the best health prevention for lionesses.

Lucky options: 07.03. Sunny times and blissful opportunities, which still need a bit of fine tuning, are a sign of coming luck. 21.4. Keep your heart, senses and temperament in check. Whatever happens now, it can take on an overwhelming dimension. 16./17.08. Hurray, Jupiter has arrived in your sign, Venus resonates, your charisma has magic and love is blossoming new. 25.09. Under Jupiter-Uranus, the laws of the ordinary are nullified. Chances have their own coloring and breathtaking dynamics.

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