• April 26, 2024

Hair Loss: The Ten Most Important Answers

Sometimes it just depends on the season: In spring and autumn, slightly more than the average of 70 to 100 hairs that people usually lose per day are often dropped. Experts suggest that the body reacts sensitively to the transition from the dark winter to the longer days - and that after the summer an excess of UV rays triggers too many free radicals. When the hair gets noticeably thin, however, there are usually other causes behind it.

How do you recognize morbid hair loss in women?

Overall, about 10 to 15 percent of all women are affected by genetic hair loss

© Jean Chin

If hair often gets stuck in the shower screen or in the brush, we do not have to panic. Losing 80 to 100 hairs per day is completely normal for women. It will only be critical if more than 100 hairs fail every day for weeks. There are two types of hair loss:

1. There are more and more hair every day, but you can not see it. These hairs are in the so-called resting phase and are no longer supplied by the root (so-called telogen effluvium). This hair loss is usually harmless and regulates itself over time.

2. The amount of hair becomes progressively less visible, without a lot of hair falling out (alopecia). In this case regrowth does not regulate itself. If the hair lightens, you should definitely have the dermatologist examine the condition of the hair roots with a hair root analysis (trichogram). It can be seen under the microscope, the growth stages of the hair and distinguish a normal from an accelerated cycle. If the majority (more than 80 percent) is in the growth phase, everything is fine. But if most of the hair is in the resting phase, something is usually wrong.

What are the causes of hair loss?

Hair loss is often seasonal (telogen effluvium), accumulating mainly in August and September. Experts suggest that more intense sunlight is the cause, but there is no evidence for that. The hair loss lasts a few weeks and then improves again. "But it can also be related to iron deficiency, a thyroid disorder, or high fever illnesses like malaria or flu, and hair loss will not be seen until two to four months later, but stress hardly matters," says Professor. Hans Wolff, Head of the Dermatology Clinic and Hair Consultation of the Medical Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. Other possible triggers for hair loss: certain medications (such as cholesterol-lowering drugs) or crash diets.

Circular hair loss (alopecia areata) is probably due to a false reaction of the immune system. Most common, however, is hereditary hair loss (androgenetic alopecia). If the mother is affected, the daughter must expect it too. It occurs when the hair roots are hypersensitive to a particularly active form of the male sex hormone (DHT = dihydro testosterone). This hormone is also produced in the female body. Typical: The hair clears especially in the crown area. (In contrast to the man who develops receding hairline or a bald spot on the top of his head.) "Overall, about 10 to 15 percent of all women are affected by genetically caused hair loss," estimates Professor Wolff. "Half of it often develops after menopause."

Do certain foods or dietary supplements help with hair loss?

Only hair that is no longer supplied by the root and already dead, fall out during washing

© Jean Chin

Because iron deficiency, z. For example, due to increased menstrual bleeding, as a cause of hair loss, you can at least prevent possible deficits on the diet: with liver, soybeans, wholemeal bread, peas and carrots. Do not take special iron supplements without consulting the doctor. To strengthen thin, lifeless hair, one can try it with dragées from oat, millet and dinkel extract, which have a high proportion of the amino acid cysteine, or with capsules containing silicon-containing millet extract, pantothenic acid and wheat germ oil. Strengthening is also silicon gel (health food store, pharmacy). A study by the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf showed that when taken daily, the hair after six months, about 13 percent thicker.

What role do the hormones play?

Female sex hormones (estrogens) provide, among other things for full, firm and beautiful shiny hair. By hormonal changes, for example, when discontinuing the pill, at the end of pregnancy or menopause, the estrogen level drops. If the male hormones then predominate, it can lead to increased hair loss.

Can more hair go out due to frequent washing?

No, that's a fallacy.Only hair that is no longer supplied by the root and already dead, fall out during washing. Many women, however, believe that shampooing is the cause, and wash their hair out of misguidance less often. However, as these can only grow well on a healthy, clean scalp, you should wash them at least twice a week.

Are there any tinctures that can stop hair loss?

"In my opinion, only the active ingredient Minoxidil brings something that is in the over-the-counter preparation Regaine," said Professor Wolff. "There is a solution in a 2% concentrate for women and a 5% for men.Examinations prove that Minoxidil not only prevents hair loss, but that every second woman's hair condense.This shows after about three to six months prolongs the growth phase of the hair, protects the hair shaft and stimulates the root, however, the preparation must be taken continuously in hereditary hair loss. "

According to their studies, L'Oréal relies on other active ingredients: "Aminexil is an active ingredient that counteracts the hardening of collagen fibers, thus preserving the suppleness and elasticity of the tissue around the hair root, and making the hair fiber stronger and firmer in the skin The active ingredient SP94 additionally strengthens the hair fiber and builds it up from within ", explains Dr. med. Barbara Ritter, scientific director at Vichy.

Even tinctures with the active ingredient alfatradiol to prevent mild hair loss in the menopause (eg, "El-Cranell alpha", "Pantostin"). A cocktail of caffeine, zinc, black cohosh and soy is said to strengthen the resilience of fine hair. In a double pack: as a solution for massaging the scalp and as capsules for swallowing ("Plantur 39"). Caffeine power is also in circulation-promoting Tonics (eg "Seborin").

Many doctors do not take hair loss seriously. Where can one turn then?

© Jean Chin

You should definitely visit a dermatologist, possibly consult a gynecologist or a hormone specialist (endocrinologist). In some university and dermatology clinics there are so-called hair-consultation sessions, in which doctors are specifically concerned with the various forms and treatments of hair loss and scalp disorders. New: the first branch of the Danish "Hårklinikken GmbH" in Düsseldorf, which offers a holistic concept.

When do you have to treat hair loss hormonally?

"In individual cases, it may make sense to prescribe a special hormone pill (antiandrogen), for example, if a woman also suffers from acne due to an excess of male hormones," says Professor Dr. med. Hans Wolff.

If you have to resort to hair replacement: Which method is recommended?

Steer clear of so-called hair extensions. The false strands are only suitable for extending healthy hair, which should be at least eleven inches long. In light areas on the top of the head, a so-called hair thickening, in which second hair is linked with hair, connected by metal sleeve or simply clipped, is a good solution. The trick: The "volume filler" has a coarse-meshed honeycomb-like net (there are small spots or the entire head), through which your own hair pulled.

Cost: depending on length, quality and effort about 300 to 1500 euros; Price comparisons are worthwhile. Lasts for weeks - even during sports or swimming. Since the hair regrow and loosen up in the anchorage, they must be rewoven every four to six weeks at the hairdresser (second hair specialist); Cost: about 70 to 110 euros. The whole thing works, of course, only if you still have enough own hair. If not, you can also use wigs. Whether artificial or real hair, is a question of the purse, the price also depends on the processing. Human hair looks more natural and easier to care for. So that the wig fits well to the face, cut by the barber into shape.

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7 Amazing Foods For Hair Growth - Stop hair loss (April 2024).

Hair loss, LMU, hair loss