11 reasons why sport does a lot more than just make you fit

Sport reduces stress

Whether you're running, playing ball or cycling, most of us know the good feeling that sets in after a hard day at the sport. The fact that physical exertion relieves stress and the body learns to deal better with stress has been proven by countless studies.

Sport makes you happy

On some days, the inner bastard is difficult to outsmart. But the effort pays off because exercise releases endorphins - happiness hormones that drive bad mood. Even people with depression or anxiety disorders can be treated with sports.

Sport makes you more confident

Anyone who feels moved and feels fit is more confident and dares to do more. Age, weight or size are negligible. Those who do sports tend to see themselves in a positive light.

Sport in nature makes you strong

Whether hiking, climbing, cycling, jogging or rowing: After exercising in the fresh air you feel twice as strong. This is not least due to the nature experience and the sun's rays, which boost our vitamin D production.

Sport trains the brain

Our brain is also aging. Although we can not cure diseases like Alzheimer's disease through sport, we can at least train our gray cells a bit. Especially in the hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for the transfer of content from the short-term to the long-term memory and for learning, movement stimulates cell growth.

Sport relieves anxiety

Running a lap or properly exercising during interval training makes us calmer than a warm bath. People with an anxiety disorder are proven to help exercise.

Sport makes us think better

Those who regularly train their cardiovascular system ensure a constant supply of new brain cells, which makes our brain work better. The nerve-growth protein BDNF facilitates learning and thinking.

Sport helps with addiction

In sports, our brain releases the happy hormone dopamine - but also in alcohol, drugs, sex or food. Some people become addicted to the sense that dopamine gives them. Sport can help to control the addictive behavior, because it distracts from the actual desire. People with an alcohol problem often have a disturbed day-night rhythm and can not sleep or sleep through. Through sport, the inner clock gets back into balance.

Sport provides recreation

Even without an addiction problem, the quality of sleep is demonstrably improved through regular training. This makes sport the healthier alternative to sleeping pills. During workout, our core body temperature increases. If it drops to the starting temperature after a few hours, it signals to the body that it is time to sleep. Sport is therefore ideal in the early evening, when there is still enough time to come down.

Sport makes you productive

Also ever sat with a knot in the head before a task and desperate? Instead of convulsing further, we should rather run a lap around the block. Because with the body, the thoughts come back into motion. Studies show that regular exercise makes us more productive and keeps us through the day with more energy.

Sport connects

Whether a fitness class or a run after work: Together, it often turns out to be more beautiful - and more effective, because we torture ourselves in pairs, we usually last longer. Besides, we do not have to fight against the nasty inner bastard alone.

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