When women are in delusion: lesbian divorces

In series as well as in conversations among girlfriends it is made fun of. On the second date comes the moving van and you get on cats, they say. But it's not really funny. After all, it's about two people who, because of an oxytocin thrust, the pink hormone binding hormone, make plans for life and are then caught up in reality.

When women want everything? immediately

"It sparkles, It is meaningless. Iwant it is! "" we women are often just not rational, me too, especially when I'm in love, yet I have a certain aversion to people who holterdiepolter in relationships and make life decisions. "I was already involved with women who I was confused and that irritated me, which of course does not mean that I would have distanced myself from it .. In my lesbian environment, I know countless stories in which two women are at full throttle in their supposed love happiness Most of today do not speak a word with each other and are ashamed of their naive behavior, which does not mean that they are not committing the same mistake twice.

10 percent of lesbian marriages divorced after two years

In the UK, 1,409 marriages were completed in March 2014 in the first three months following the legalization of same-sex marriage. Just over half of them were lesbians. Taking into account the divorce statistics, 10 percent of these couples have already divorced in 2016. Wow, so after only two years, the pink, lesbian wedding gowns became a divorce.

Reason for separation: "irresponsible behavior"

Women want to commit faster and have higher expectations of their relationships? This is the opinion of sociologists from the UK and Scandinavia and believe that this explains the higher divorce rates. Fits well with statistics revealing that lesbian women almost always use "irresponsible behavior" as a reason for divorce, which can mean anything from infidelity to refusing to look for a job. I know these advanced reasons somewhere.

Marry from a sense of duty

The same applies, of course, to women in heterosexual marriages: in 2011, two-thirds of divorces were initiated by women. Only then come the expectations and the intense bonding hormones then not in a double pack. In addition, the right to marry same-sex is so new that it almost cries out to be noticed. For feminist reasons. This trend was already apparent in the registered partnership: The requests were ten times higher than expected.

A high on love, not on appearance

So ladies, if you think you have to drive on the second date with the moving van, talk about the "future woman" on the fourth date, and marry for two months after a year, please stop for a moment. You think you are incredibly attractive? Great. The sex is bombastic and you can not keep your fingers off each other? Gorgeous, enjoy it! Love is something wonderful, it costs to the fullest. But please, please remove the pink glasses before you make decisions that have consequences. Do not marry, because it works now, fashion is or Omi would like thatbut out of love and please wait at least the first months of the love-hormone spinner.

Taking The Lead (July 2024).