Ciao, bathtub drama! So you get your child in the tub

When the tub is full, many children run into tears.

And if that is not the case, there is a dwarf uprising at the latest when washing your hair. Some children suddenly and without any apparent reason become a bathtub denier. Whatever happens in our children, with these hacks moms have someday managed to turn the drama into fun:

"When my daughter suddenly did not want to go to the tub, I just took her to the shower, so she saw that neither foam nor water hurt me, and mommy did all the washing and so much fun Washing hair is always looked up to the ceiling and sung, so it does not look good and it's in a good mood. " Nina, mother of a three and a half year old daughter.

"I always tempt my son with amusing bath products, which he likes when the water turns dark or crackling, hair washing goes like this: head on the neck and washcloths on the face or diving goggles on the eyes his toy animals - we sure have the cleanest at home. " Jenny, mother of a six-year-old son.

"I always wet my son's hair and then he's allowed to wash it himself, he thinks it's really great, and when I wash his hair out, there's his favorite duck washcloth, and when it's bad, If my son counts to ten, then the foam is out, otherwise it will not work. " Angie has a four-year-old son.

"I always bathe with my daughter, that's the only way to do our hair washing and a few gummy bears on the edge of the tub." Andrea, two kids, five and 22.

"I still remember the time when I turned on the tap and at the same moment started shouting - water, only from a distance, beautiful, bathing, a NO GO! We then took half the nursery to the bathroom Anything that could not dissolve with soap and water, was thrown into the tub.We went swimming or playing games together.Now we have only a basket with cars, cups and knickknacks in the bathroom and I stand In the meantime, we had even considered whether we always give her an ice cream when she eats it in the tub (the smallest) - win-win, but more blackmail than pedagogically valuable - but who knows they are not, the moments of pure despair, where we would do anything, so that the little person understands that it is not bad at all and can even be fun to be in the water. " Lori, three children (13, 10 and two).

A few simple tips that sometimes have a big effect:

? Change the bath time

? Let the kids wash a doll

? Turn on music or a story

? Makes soap bubbles

? Let a bath fail and wash only

If nothing works:

In the tub itself, experts advise increasing the amount of water from bath to bath until the children feel better. Children can also help with checking the temperature and adding the bath additive. Autonomy makes you brave! Or maybe the big tub itself is the problem? Try it out, if the laundry tub or the small paddling pool on the bathroom floor will be better accepted.

When children completely refuse the bath, parents can go swimming with them more often. There everything is fun and can take the fear of the water. Persevere, MOMs!

Types of People in the Shower (July 2024).