Three cancellations! Does Duchess Meghan enroll her staff?

What's up with Duchess Meghan (37) and Prince Harry (34)? Is she too demanding, is he too rude? Already the third employee has just quit his job at the newly wed couple within months of Meghan's entry into the Royal Family.

According to private secretary Edward Lane Fox, the Daily Mail reports, his successor, Samantha Cohen, the Queen's former private secretary, and Meghan Markle's assistant Melissa have given up their jobs with Meghan and Harry.

A source from the Kensington Palace said about the termination of Meghan's assistant:

It's really a shock. Why should she give up such a prestigious job so soon?

Staff at the palace suggest that the organization of the royal wedding may have caused some displeasure. Prince Harry was at times quite moody and impatient with his staff at this stressful time, reports biographer Robert Jobson.

Meghan Markle is said by her ex-agent Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne, she is very choosy and quickly distance themselves from employees who disagree.

When it came to choosing Meghan's wedding tiara, Harry is said to have said, "What Meghan wants, Meghan gets as well." However, the employees feared that the Tiara wanted by Meghan could originally come from Russia. The Queen should then have spoken a word of power and Meghan have given another tiara.

An employee of the palace notes:

That one quits, of course, can happen. That three quit within a few months, looks slow after mass flight.

Video tip: Meghan & Harry - these 7 gestures reveal who is in charge of their relationship

5AM KITV AM NEWS AT 5 20190603 0458 (July 2024).

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, termination