How your height affects your life

Perception and self-awareness are connected

To big people? You look up ?, they are considered? Handsome? and tend to be considered "attractive"? viewed? Being big brings benefits. Even financial: Studies have shown that the salary tends to increase with height.

A study at Oxford University now shows how height also affects self-awareness. 60 participants travel in virtual reality (a computer-generated three-dimensional space) subway? once in its usual size, once again shrunk by 25 centimeters.

Small people feel vulnerable

The result: As a smaller human, the women were more vulnerable and they had more negative thoughts about themselves. "They thought the other passengers were more hostile to them and wanted to isolate them," study leader Daniel Freeman told National Geographic.

One participant described her experience as follows: "The people and even the suitcases felt big. I was frustrated with feeling like a kid again, feeling out of place in the subway because I was not an adult. "Being smaller therefore made me feel vulnerable, one child to another look up while the others look down on it.

Being tall is socially desirable

This does not mean that little people are generally more suspicious or more anxious than larger ones. But: "The implication is that bigger people are more sovereign," says Freeman, so the results reflect common clichés. "Height affects our perception of social status." And being tall is socially desirable.

Big people are perceived as more successful, self-confident and attractive than small ones. And although women are not so affected by this common view, even small women often have to work harder and harder to be taken seriously.

HOW YOUR HEIGHT AFFECTS YOUR LIFE | skip2mylou (July 2024).

Height, dwarf, perception, Oxford University, self-awareness