
Cancer 22.06. - 22.07.

Ruler: Moon Element: Water

Your compass: Whether meaning, meaning, life guidelines or beliefs - a frequent, rapid change of these elementary prescriptions always shapes your life. In 2014, this fundamental vibration will be magnified by Jupiter-Pluto-Lilith. This is not really a new way of life, because as the ruler of your sign, the moon, la luna actually strikes better, pretends, change is part of your temperament. Their motto is: Only those who change stay true to themselves. At least in the inner essence, which insists on permanent further development. With scarcely a zodiac sign, however, in the period of 30 to 40 years, in the time in which the soul ray takes over the direction more, finds such a radical reorientation as yours. Good thing that cancer women have courage and daring, including the wild determination not to let themselves be bent. This willpower has often developed in a reflexive manner, because you have been willing to face your fears very early on, indeed you had to ask, because your childhood, the early childhood experiences, by no means represented a gentle exaltation. On the contrary: a lack of security, emotional or real , or both in combination, were triggers to withdraw into themselves and to do everything with themselves, in the inner dialogue and many clarification processes. What you reveal in feelings is only the tip of the iceberg, because emotions, the world of sensations, even the subtle inspirations, are usually more familiar to you than the rough outside events. And in this special dimension is also the source of your creativity, imagination and extraordinary psychological talent. They immediately dock with your counterpart and sense its hidden processes. Often even better than the person concerned. And because you know that many factors have contributed to your life script, you are also particularly interested in the family history, even the ancestral story, which is not only extremely exciting, but also points to the nature of the family own roots there. They recognize patterns of energy that converge in you, creating motivation, drive, interests, and talents. It's like an artistic artwork. Family system work is your favorite. Certainly also because an emotional home, family, children, which fit into a succession of generations, can be for you sense of life and life center. But each way of prolonging oneself, touching others and thus triggering a sound that continues to vibrate and touch others, represents for you the principle of harvesting and at the same time sowing. And that is precisely the primary task of life. Adhering, possessive are you too. A nice mantra would be because if you let go, you have two hands free to trade and be gifted.

The love: Love in all variations, varieties and themes is the absolute elementary area in 2014, in which takes place the most. But in turn, exuberant feelings are still the present of an almost overbearing Jupiter until August. By March, Lilith's Lucky Harbinger is also affected and the emotions rage a bit more violently, wilder, and more civilized, but sometimes also develop an almost irresistible pull, a dark fascination. Mars comes along, suggesting that everything is allowed, nothing left out. And to engage in flirtation, amours, fiery, devouring relationships of a somewhat untamed nature. Twists should not be surprising, because Uranus also has a little word to bring. Jupiter blessed with a fairly pronounced self-awareness and prompted: Maybe you are not the navel of the world, but hopefully the one of your own. That's healthy, because to live a we have to own a self. Wishes to the cosmos, initiated love happiness more detailed, in no way modest to formulate, is even conducive, because Jupiter spoils the more willing, who hope for a double dose of happiness and celebrate life and loved ones most relish. By March, new encounters could be enveloped by the touch of the perhaps unattainable. That's no reason to retreat. Typically, whenever strong feelings come up, anxiety may arise. From loss, powerlessness, disempowerment. Old imprints are amplified by Jupiter-Lilith, now felt, a nice chance to break away from it. Because Jupiter is also the planet that has the exemplary love happiness, wedding, ringing bells, love swearing with long-term character in the gift basket. One of his wonderful assets is the reinforcement of her virtues: dedication, devotion, and emotional receptiveness; Your empathic perception of elementary connections, especially in the soul structure of other people and in interpersonal processes.Starting in April, the shadows that you had to partially struggle with in the self-assessment will dissolve, and you will see more genuinely who and in which intimacy you care about yourself. Relationship preservation and work-up remains subliminal, but continues to be a cardinal issue, especially as a powerful planetary conglomerate continues to enter. Do not worry - intact, vivid love relationships are only salutarily shaken to counteract any kind of complacency and carelessness. However, the love of happiness grows when you face the call for relationship analysis. And that includes: checking expectations on the partner, clarifying roles, coming to terms with projections and taking them back. And eventually: look how far your counterpart should make a lasting contribution to their own well-being. For all Jupiter's preference - Pluto stands in the House of Relations and demands, the interplay of attraction and rejection, which may have crept in covertly, when fears of segregation and fears of deep hidden mischief, uncover. Give up uncharted games and show yourself as you really are. In order to then experience as a reward the all-overshadowing love, but also reaching into absolutely hidden soul chambers. That's the nice and possible benefit, because you could meet him in 2014, the one-and-only.

The profession: There are already exceptional times, in which the cosmic frequencies swing into almost every area of ​​life. That's how it is in 2014, at least in your chart. And so the profession, the professional work, gets under Uranus emphasis dynamics. Brand new and unfamiliar, this energy is not for you. Use this power as leverage to catapult yourself far up. And: Prophylactic security precautions are counterproductive! The more you try to build bastions against the vicissitudes of your career, the more your structures will be shaken. And with the best of intentions. Uranus always demands new experiences, including experiments, in the field in which he stands. And provides Adventurous Spirit to say goodbye to seemingly functioning positions when you feel that you can only realize your potential to a limited percentage. By March chances and risks are almost on one point, decision and fear of failure could occur by accident, but are the rule, not to start a false start. Constructive dissatisfaction, however, is the helpful engine to really want to move forward, not to be satisfied with great offers that fascinate, but of course, no guarantees to take the leap, maybe a break with the established. Follow your gut feeling. For a change of perspective, even a new career approach, this is the perfect time. Especially since April Jupiter your self-presentation will be much brighter. The time of strife, which can be scratched in questioning or by others on self-worth, is over. Starting in August, a boosting self-confidence Jupiter vibration helps to better quantify your own value, also in cents and euros, because the fee is a mark of appreciation of your work. But, as always, when Lilith touches on an area in Jupiter's accompaniment, what is happening through this experience is ambivalent. Security, resources, material values, anyway a complex of topics that requires archetypal, sensitive consideration, will be a challenging experience. And the greatest opportunity to work on yourself. A primal theme - the fear of want - to pack and change at the point of origin. Life is always right, would be a good attitude, with the salutary addition: "Every day cares for itself". This can become a serene mantra that puts a stop to existential fears and gives your decision-making drive the right drive. Uranus-Jupiter-Pluto is a cosmic multiplier of your life forces. Enjoy the power, determination, risk-taking and inner knowingness that comes with being able to turn to professional dreams that are a bit crazy and off-beat. Remember: A tower a hundred thousand meters high rests on the ground. They can do anything because the cosmos helps to bind wool and fortune.

Your powers: Thanks to Jupiterobhut, you will sometimes feel almost bombastic in terms of your strength, especially as Uranus pushes your energy level up to the limit. And Mars ensures restlessness and drive. All of this can be associated with a reduced need for sleep, felt, at least, but is more due to a kind of inner overindulgence. A high-energy planetary constellation animates night to day, also because your flow of thoughts and ideas is bound to no time limit. On the contrary, at night, when the outer voices calm down, inner ones can speak much more clearly. The royal road is then to open your dreams and inner messages, but still prefer a healthy sleep-wake rhythm and perhaps by rituals, evening walks, lavender showers and Mantrameditationen gently fade out the day to bring the spiral of thought to rest. Saturn touches your house of creative gifts. Artistic work that has a meditative and profoundly satisfying effect for you could clearly be given too little attention. Because external demands, maybe your kids with their expectations, pull in on you and demand a lot of attention. Or you may be blocking yourself by overly high expectations of your creative results. Perfectionism has no place in the field.Let your creativity flow, this proliferates your life forces.

Lucky options: 30.01. Your imagination develops a true suggestive power. Precisely formulate what you want support and opportunities. 20.4. Unexpected, extraordinary events are now booming. Take chances seriously. 19.7. Happiness takes you by the hand. Encounters touch very deep layers of your soul and delight. 12.14. What you now encounter in terms of love, deserves a second or even third look!

Metastasis: How Cancer Spreads (July 2024).