Agreement with Brangelina! Angelina retains sole custody

Has the Rose War at Brangelina finally come to an end? As a spokeswoman for Angelina Jolie now announces, the former dream couple has agreed out of court. Accordingly, the 41-year-old retains sole custody of the six children together. Pitt is allowed to visit his children, but only in the presence of a therapist.

"We can confirm that childcare professionals have recommended a legal agreement that was accepted and signed by both sides a week ago," the statement says. "We believe that all sides are committed to healing the family and ask for your consideration in this difficult time. "

Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt in September after 12 years of relationship and two years of marriage. The reason she gave unbridgeable differences, rumors that Pitt but should have had an alcohol and drug problem.

The custody of Maddox (15), Pax (12), Zahara (11), Shiloh (10) and the twins Knox and Vivienne (8) was from the outset a big issue in the house Jolie / Pitt. The two are said to have gotten into their hair during their marriage again and again because of their different views of an appropriate education. Well, hopefully the six offspring will finally get some rest.

Did Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Finally Reach a Custody Agreement? (July 2024).

Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Brangelina, custody battle, quarrel