Why do not I have any friends? That could be it!

Saturday night. Great weather. All are arranged. For barbecues, poker, cinema or theater. Only you are sitting at home on the couch and know nothing to do with you. Loneliness is spreading. Why did you still find no connection in your city after so many years? Sure, you know a lot of people, but you're not friends with them. Maybe your isolation is due to these things:

You are not at peace with yourself

If you do not like yourself, how should others do it? Only those who have a positive attitude towards oneself attract others. The first step is therefore to work on your self-esteem. You're great, show it!

You have no trust

You are skeptical of other people. That may be because that you have been hurt many times You ask yourself Is he really interested in spending time with me? Is not he up to something? Is he nice to me just out of courtesy? All of these thoughts stand in the way of really gaining access to someone. Have faith and believe in the good in people!

You are too shy

You wait until someone offers you his friendship? Unfortunately it is not that easy. If no one comes up to you, then dare to get out of your shell and ask your colleagues or acquaintances directly whether you may join an activity, It is no shame to have few friends. You can also say quite frankly: "I have not really found a connection here in the city." Nobody will judge you for that.

You cling to the wrong people

You would like to be the best friend of someone who is unreachable for you - because he just does not fit you at all? That can only end in disappointment. Surround yourself with people you really have in common, Because that is the basis for a good friendship.

You are not looking in the right places

Maybe you just have not searched for friends in the right place. For example, getting to know someone in the fitness studio is not as easy as talking about sports clubs. Even with welded-in cliques it is difficult to get attention. Look specifically for people who also have little connection. Maybe you fit perfectly together. On the Internet, there are numerous ways to write with like-minded people, such as the portal Neu.de. There are also women in our community who are similar to you. Have a look: Hello, looking for girlfriend!

You are overly sensitive

You get upset quickly, often irritated, cynical and can hardly understand fun? That can be a deterrent to others. Work on you! For example, dedicate yourself to relaxation procedures or go with it Help of a psychotherapy to the bottom.

You give up too fast

Do not despair if the others are not immediately interested in you. Maybe you just do not fit together - or you need a few tries to find each other. Please suggest a meeting several times - If you are always put off, do not waste your time and dedicate yourself to other people.

You do not do enough

Especially in working life it is difficult to find a connection. While you met a lot of like-minded people at the university and had a lot of free time, now you spend most of your time in the office. And always sees the same people. If they are not eligible as a girlfriend, it's going to be difficult to follow up on the job. Then it's time to get active! Find recreational activities where you meet as many people as possible: Sports, music, theater, chess club, couchsurfing, continuing education courses such as cooking classes, volunteer work and and and. Think about what you could enjoy doing it and sign up today.

Videotipp: This personality test reveals how you tick

I don't have any friends. (July 2024).
