Proper make-up: Help against beauty breakdowns

Right make-up? THAT does not happen to us anymore!

Small misadventures around make-up have all happened to us, right? Smeared mascara after cycling, small sweat marks on the silk blouse or cornea in the sandals? We know the ultimate tips against small beauty embarrassments and reveal how you can put on make-up without anything slipping.

Ink under the eye

Happens If you blink after showering, the mascara is dry and crumbles. Or even if mascara dissolves in contact with skin and fat. All the tricks and tricks about makeup we tell you in our special.

This way, panda eyes can be eliminated quickly: Generally great and especially good against punctate blots are cotton swabs. Moisten or soak with some make-up lotion (is already finished, for example, by Mac Cosmetics). And then: do not wipe, but put on sticks, in a slight twisting motion from the wrist and with very little pressure wegstippen.

This avoids involuntary mascara fading: Whether water-soluble or water-resistant mascara - well suck in eye cream and bend the eyelashes before washing with eyelash curlers, which opens the view and brings some distance between fine hair and skin.

Against the crumb effect: Do not pump the ink dry with the brush to get the right amount of mascara. It is better to pull the applicator very slowly and deliberately out of the nozzle and gently press it against the opening. Practical, especially with volume mascara: scrapers integrated in the mascara container (eg in the case of the "million eyelashes" mascara by L? Oréal Paris). Ideally, because the color really stays on the eyelashes, so-called 24-hour mascaras (eg by Sensai), which only lose their durability when the temperature of the body is warmer than the body temperature, are therefore removed with warm water. Our editorial test reveals whether the new showers really do what they promise: mascara in the test.

Lipstick on the tooth

Happens if a tooth or the whole row of teeth protrudes a bit. Because when laughing or talking touched (usually only) the lower lip of the teeth, lipstick can settle on the teeth.

This way, the color spot can be eliminated quickly: With your mouth closed, slide your tongue over your teeth? That is not accurate enough. Better do the mirror check, rubbing the spot with a dry fingertip or a cloth. Then moisten the teeth again with the tongue. Because in dry places in the row of teeth, for example, on crowns, the color adheres very often.

How to avoid color on the tooth: worth a try - instead of creamy rather dull lipsticks use (eg Shiseido, Revlon) or gently pat the lipstick. He then stains, if at all, much weaker. Alternative: switch to light nuances, which will not be as noticeable on the tooth as dark ones. We have put together the best tips for making up lips for you.

Eyeshadow in the eyelid fold

Happenswhen the sebaceous glands in the upper lid produce too much skin fat. By blinking, the eyeshadow color then gradually pushes into the eyelid crease during the day.

This way, slipped eyeshadows can be fixed quickly:with the tip of the little finger in fine dabbing / stroking movements, redistribute the eye shadow on the eyelid. The best out of the eyelid fold, there sits most of the color, and always from the inner corner of the eye on the nose to the outer corner of the eye. Alternatively, you can also remove the eyeshadow with the handkerchief.

This is how to avoid the small glitch: "Eyeshadow Base" is the magic word (eg by Estée Lauder, Clarins, Sensai). The skin-colored transparent paste is dabbed thinly on the eyelid to slightly above the eyelid crease and must "dry" for a few seconds. She then keeps powder eyeshadows in place for hours, for example. It will be perfect if the base is still a light ivory (eg Bobbi Brown) gossamer on the eyelid to the eyebrows - and then the colored eyeshadow is applied. Our video make-up school shows exactly how you can apply eye shadow properly.

Too much blush

Happensif the color is painted directly on the skin after taking it or if the day cream has not yet fully absorbed.

This is how it can be fixed quickly:The slip-up happens in the morning, you have applied the foundation with a brush - now simply go over the rouge with the make-up remnants in the foundation brush. When you're on the move: lightly moisten your palms, squeeze a piece of folded paper tissue between your palms (to absorb some moisture), then place it on top of the rouge areas on your face. Lightly press.

To avoid too rosy cheeks:Test the opacity of a rouge on the back of the hand before buying. If she seems too weak for you, she is just right. Before dusting the face, lightly brush over the back of the hand with a brush: the brush will then have exactly the right amount of color for the face.

Shattering nail polish

Happensthat the nail polish splinters if small air bubbles have already formed during painting or if there was a fine layer of grease or dirt on the nail before painting. Even with strong (longitudinal) grooves, the risk of splintering is quite high, because unevenness is something like a predetermined breaking point. Uniformly worn tips after three to five days are normal.

This way, the paint peel can be repaired quickly:In chipped areas with little color, repair the affected area. After drying, paint the entire nail surface again.

This avoids hasty scrolling:Wash hands before painting, dry well - do not cream. Then paint a base coat (against Gilb with colored lacquer, eg from Nivea), let it dry and paint it in color, leave one millimeter of space at the sides on the nail fold, then paint a topcoat (eg from Essie). In the case of severe unevenness, carefully level the nail surface with a soft file (eg from Alessandro) and use a filling undercoat (eg from Clarins).But the most important thing is to take some time and let the paint dry well. In the first half hour after painting, the nails are still very sensitive. Also read: our best tips on manicure.

underarm odor

Happensif you tend to put deodorant under your armpits in the course of the day, to smell fresher. As with sunscreen, the effect does not increase, but the body odor appears only milder at first, but then mixes again with the fragrances in the deodorant. Especially in case of stress and anxiety, the body also produces certain hormones and messengers, the sweat smells more severe than after sports.

This quickly eliminates the fragrance of the failing deodorant:clean the armpits with a damp cloth (wet cloth, tissue) or water and washcloths, apply new deodorant.

This helps to avoid sweat odor:The "classic" smell of sweat arises when harmless bacteria decompose sweat. Since it collects in hairs, it can help to provide a hair-free zone under the armpits. Some deodorants start with the production of sweat and want to inhibit it (so-called antiperspirants), others contain special absorbent minerals or so-called "Active Pearls", which only activate their effect when it gets particularly hot (eg with minerals of Garnier, with Active Pearls from Fa). Some women also use odor-neutral body powder (eg with anti-perspirant sage extract from Dr. Hauschka).

Who upAluminum salts in deodorant We have creamed, sprayed and applied and subjected the deodorants to a tough everyday test: deodorants without aluminum salts in the editors' test.

Rough heels

Happensif the heels are neglected when applying cream, if you generally have a dry skin and - even with careful care - if you wear bare feet or in silk stockings open shoes. On the feet or soles sit many sweat, but no sebaceous glands.

This helps quickly with rough heels: a pocket-sized care stick ("Schrunden Repair Stick" by Scholl). It fits in the handbag and brings moisture especially without overly fat.

To avoid rough heels:After showering your feet always cream well, normal body lotion ranges. For corneas, the active ingredient urea (eg Eubos, Efasit, Allgäu mountain pine, Kneipp, free, Eucerin). Remove our tips on the cornea, treat cracks and care for your feet properly.

Small blemish on the legs

Happensif you strip your legs with wax: that hairs are visible. In order to catch everyone, the hair must have reached a certain length: at least three millimeters. But some grow flat in the skin. Then a red dot appears around the hair: a mini-inflammation.

This helps quickly with small blemishes on the leg:Hide hair and red dots is no big deal with long legs, even opaque stockings cover reliably. And if, for whatever reason, leg show is hot: wet shave. Who's on the move: Get a wet shaver for women in the drugstore (eg from Gillette), a layer of hand cream replaces the shaving cream. Scattered red dots disappear under some concealer. But do not leave the large areas with spotted areas, otherwise the leg will look made-up - and that will be even more noticeable.

How to avoid ingrown hairs:scrub the skin with a scrub every day? we have great ideas on how you can do your own exfoliation. The removed "old" skin, the hairs are easier to penetrate through the skin.Soaping with bath puddles made of fine nylon fabric is also ideal as a peeling replacement.

Torn nails

Happens that the nails tear when they are dry.

This way, nail breakage can be resolved quickly: Gluing helps for now, there are special repair pads (eg from Artdeco). For the evening then make an appointment in the nail salon. There, torn nails are treated with a gel that cures under UV light.

This way you can avoid brittle nails: It is best to massage in nail oil daily, which makes brittle nails supple. Paint as seldom as possible, because that dries out nails. You should also wear the nails rather short and use a glass file to shorten them (eg from KoH, Logona). Even more tips on the topic: brittle fingernails.

Oily hair

Happens if you think, "Oh, today's still going on" and then start to sweat. Or on long flights, when the sebaceous glands produce extra skin fat against the dry air.

This way, the lanky look can be fixed quickly: Keep the hairstyle as neat as possible at any cost. Then it is not so obvious. Or go to the nearest drugstore and get dry shampoo or hair powder (eg from Swiss-O-par, Osis / Schwarzkopf Professional). The products are sprinkled on the hairline and then massaged well with the fingertips and brushed. So the hair fat is absorbed and the little beauty glitch weggemogelt until the next wash. Tiny hook: In blond women the powder trick is hardly noticeable, with dark-haired hair sometimes looks dull. Instead of powdering, improvising simply: with a tightly tied back ponytail, for example.

This is how to avoid greasy hair: do not wash too hot. Always rinse your hair thoroughly, as every conditioner or remedy will make you run dry. And to avoid shine spray, which often causes fine hair to collapse in a short time.

Too dark lip contour pencil

Happens when a very dry contour pencil hits dry lip skin. Then the lipstick "eats" over time, and the frame stays. Sometimes these little false colors are also created because a lipliner red at company X does not correspond to what lipstick company Y understands. The sounds can then drift apart.

This way the lipliner frame can be corrected quickly: if at hand, take a damp facial tissue and rub away the line - inward, otherwise the rest of the make-up is ruined. Alternative: use some hand cream (or cooking oil) and a tissue to correct.

How to avoid missing colors: Buy contour and lipstick if possible from a brand, then you have the same color. Do not even create hard lines by wiping the contour pencil with your fingertip or lip brush into the lip.

Brew like beams

We took pictures with us Sabine Schultz from Essen: Most of all, the music lover would have become a singer. Everything can still be, she thinks, and continues to work as a conceptual designer in an Essen advertising agency. With dedication, she devotes herself to her daughter Antonia and cares as much about her new "baby": a novel for which she is looking for only a publisher.

Happens when painted with the brow pencil and that is not well blurred or when the color is actually too dark.

This is how the block brow can be eliminated quickly: Moisten the cloth, beat the tip of the indexer and move along with pressure on the brow. This takes off powder and cream color well. And then just draw a new bow again.

This is how to avoid a faded brow bow: Pin lovers dash and smudge the lines with a foam applicator. There are matching tones for blondes as well as for brunette and for gray-haired (in the case ash shades like stone gray use). Who wants to emphasize eyebrows for very soft effects eyebrows, should be based on the darkest strand of hair in color. Fill the gaps with a bevelled brush, then comb with a spiral brush. Also, this is how you can correct eyebrows.

Video Recommendation:

My Glazed Skin Look Using My Favorite Fool-Proof Makeup (GRWM) (July 2024).

Mascara, lipstick, tooth, ink, eye shadow, eyelid, makeup, make-up, nail polish, hair