More volume for the eyelashes? That's how it works right away!

Trick # 1: Apply mascara in zig-zag

That mascara is the best way to artificially condense the eyelashes is well known to us all. But not only the right brush is important, but also the technique when applying. For more fullness and an optical eyelash extension always grab a brush with thick bristles and apply the paint in zig-zag movements. Attach to the root and then gently rock to and fro until you reach the ends of the hair. This not only provides more volume, but separates the eyelashes perfectly. This avoids the typical fly-legs.

Trick # 2: 3D effect for more volume

If you have the technique for the mascara application on it first, you can dare to the next trick. Apply first a layer of mascara, let it dry briefly and then shower only the tips of the eyelashes with a brown mascara. Finally, another layer of black mascara can be applied. This provides a three-dimensional effect that makes the eyelashes appear much fuller.

Trick # 3: Stress waterline

Anyone hoping for more effect can still use the waterline trick. This needs a bit of practice, so do not despair immediately. To do this, lift the upper waterline of the eye and emphasize it with a dark kohl or eyeliner. Many already know this from the lower waterline. However, this ensures that the eye is optically reduced. Those who emphasize the upper, on the other hand, are exactly the opposite: the lash line looks fuller, the hairs are longer and the eyes are bigger and more expressive.

Trick # 4: Make fake lashes with cotton wool

Your eyelashes are naturally too short for you? Then you can help quickly and extend it artificially. And we do not talk about standing in front of the mirror for hours to glue elaborate artificial plastic eyelashes. There is also a faster version that works just as easy. All you need is a cotton pad. How this works exactly, you can read here again:

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How to charm yourself with a cotton pad long dream eyelashes

How to Curl Straight Lashes to Stay All Day! ♡ (May 2024).

Eyelash, eye-lift, mascara