Unilateral sore throat? what is behind it?

We all know sore throat when a cold is approaching. But what about unilateral sore throats, what are the signs of concern and when does Doctor ENT need to get started? We clarify!

Unilateral sore throat for colds

Torment one-sided sore throat, here's the good news: In most cases, the pain appears as a concomitant of a harmless cold. It scratches the throat, we feel limp, suffer from dysphagia, the nose runs, the body temperature rises? a common cold goes by quickly and is, we allow ourselves sufficient rest and cure the disease patiently, usually harmless. Here you will find the best home remedies for colds. But unilateral sore throat can also be a symptom of serious illnesses.

sore throat

An acute pharyngitis, the doctor speaks of a pharyngitis, the layman of a sore throat, can express himself in one-sided pain. The sick person feels Scratching in the throat and suffering from coughing, difficulty swallowing, bad breath and swollen lymph nodes, An inflammation in the throat is a virus-induced infection, but can become a superinfection if bacteria accumulate.

Page strand angina

In the case of a lateral urethra (angina lateralis), the lymphatic pathways in the lateral posterior pharyngeal wall are primarily affected. Angina is often the result of colds, as the lymph channels are already weakened and can be easily colonized by pathogens. If only one of the lateral cords is affected, the patient suffers from asymmetric sore throat. In addition to sore throat, earache is common, which may develop into a middle ear infection due to the connection between ear and throat.


When tonsillitis (tonsillitis) are one or both Almonds reddened, swollen and covered in a yellowish-white coating, Those affected complain of unilateral or bilateral sore throats, dysphagia, partial fever and pain that can radiate to the ear. Tonsillitis not only requires urgent medical attention because it spreads to other organs, but also because of almond abscesses. Tips to measure fever and reduce fever are available here.


Pharyngitis, angina of the lateral cords and tonsillitis can lead to abscesses as the inflammation spreads to the adjacent tissue. As a result, a collection of pus forms, which is an abscess. If the abscess develops behind the tonsils, it is a retrootonsillar abscess. If the abscess lies in the connective tissue of the tonsils, it is called an abscess of abscess or peritonsillar abscess.

The patient suffers unilateral sore throat, earache, dysphagia, and sometimes has difficulty opening the jaw, An abscess needs urgent medical treatment and is opened by the ENT doctor under the anesthetic and use of antibiotics. An almond abscess (peritonsillar abscess) often results in the removal of the tonsils.

Laryngeal or vocal cord inflammation

If there is hoarseness in addition to a sore throat, you may be suffering from a laryngitis or laryngitis. The laryngitis is triggered either by viruses, an overuse of the voice or external influences such as smoking or dry air. Now it's time to say goodbyewhich means in plain language that talking (even whisper!) is absolutely forbidden.

Pfeiffer's glandular fever

Pfeiffer's glandular fever is triggered by the Epstein-Barr virus. The typical symptoms are similar to those of tonsillitis: Sore throat, trouble swallowing, fever, loss of appetite and enlarged lymph nodes. Now absolute bed rest is announced, in order to avoid serious consequential illnesses such as a middle ear inflammation or heart muscle inflammation.


Cervical or thyroid tumors may be responsible for unilateral sore throat. Especially with additional symptoms such as hoarseness, coughing up blood and difficulty in breathing, absolute caution is required and a doctor's visit is urgently required.

Unilateral sore throat: When is a doctor's visit necessary?

If your sore throat is accompanied by a cold, there is no need to worry. Your pharyngeal wall quickly recovers from the unpleasant pain. However, if you observe the following symptoms, it is better to make an appointment quickly with the doctor:

  • skin rash
  • Discoloration of the tongue
  • High fever and fatigue
  • Pain that makes it impossible for you to open your mouth
  • Sudden and severe onset of your symptoms
  • Reddened and enlarged almonds
  • Great difficulty swallowing
  • Swollen lymph nodes on the neck
  • nausea

Videotipp: The best home remedies for sore throat

sore throat vs peritonsillar abscess (May 2024).

Throat pain, cold