Biorhythm: The internal clock

Everything has it's time. Also in the job. Living according to our internal clock gives optimal energy and keeps us healthy in the long run. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO have now for the first time examined the special biorhythms of people who work more with the head than with the body. The result was meticulous recommendations for every hour of job life. They can put themselves as different types as early risers and night people behind the mirror. Because "larks" and "owls", as they are called in technical jargon, basically have the same biorhythm.


The body is awake. Metabolism and circulation switch to daytime operation. Ideal time to get up - also for the "owls". The body needs that hour to get going: Shower, have breakfast, walk to work, But always nice and slow. Postpone hours of jogging or walking to the end of workday. Because: So early in the morning mental and physical peak performance can even be harmful.


The head is awake. Plan the day, do little thingswhich would only disturb in the following concentration phase. Larks are allowed to grow a tooth now. Owls are effective only from about nine o'clock.


The short-term memory is running smoothly. All Do some brainworkwho need undivided attention: complicated invoices, budgets, concepts, plans.


Keep going; the concentrated phase continues. Time robbers like fellow gossip to move later. If the skull is humming, five-minute breaks help - eg. For example, cook tea or close your eyes. Tips: Classical music relaxes in no time, because it resembles the quiet heartbeat. In between eating a piece of fruit for hunger.


Power peak in the morning. We are now in the best of arithmetic and thinking around the corner, and at this time we are also particularly keen.


The short-term memory decreases, we can not concentrate so well anymore, wait for the lunch break. Until then, call and organize.


Body and mind need one Time out with light food, then maybe a walk. Ideal: rest or sleep for ten minutes. Do not continue working unchecked - otherwise you have problems in the afternoon.


The performance low continues. time for easy tasksfor example, organize documents or make phone calls. Possibly drink coffee or tea.


The second high performance of the day inspires our communication: meetings, conceptual and decision-making processes in groups, consultations with customers, negotiations are now particularly successful.


The Long-term memory is in top form, Continue communicative tasks. Do not forget to take breaks: cook a pot of tea, water flowers, make a small errand.


The mental performance decreases. Larks should be the End work slowlyOwls start again with new tasks. Tip: The muscular circulation is optimal. Who can, should do sports.


The head needs a break; the Finish work, Caution: If we are not satisfied with our daily balance, we want to get started again. This should avoid larks and postpone challenging work to tomorrow. Owls, on the other hand, are now fit for a spiritual final spurt.


leisure, Relaxation, meetings with friends or sports are the order of the day. But finish all fitness activities two hours before bedtime. Otherwise there is too much adrenaline in the blood and we can not fall asleep.

Circadian Rhythm and Your Brain's Clock (May 2024).

Biorhythm, inner clock; job; tick