Organic jeans - environmental awareness meets style

The fashion label Kuyichi was founded by the non-profit organization Solidaridad in 2001. It uses only organic cotton in all collections.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: What is so special about Kuyichi?

Monique Voorneman: Kuyichi was founded by the non-profit organization Solidaridad in Latin America, which blames the cotton industry for environmental pollution and the impoverishment of farmers. Solidaridad wanted to make a difference. At first, the organization was targeting big denim brands, but none of the brands was interested. That's why Solidaridad launched its own brand of organic jeans: in 2001, Kuyichi was born. Kuyichi is the first label to use organic cotton throughout its collection.

How does Kuyichi guarantee sustainable and environmentally friendly production?

Kuyichi attaches great importance to transparency. Together with the non-profit organization Made-By, we measure, control and communicate the progress that we make in the area of ​​social and environmentally friendly production. In addition, Kuyichi works with the Fair Wear Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to fair working conditions around the world. Kuyichi complies with the working conditions set by the Fair Wear Foundation as standards. At the moment, we are also working on a system that will show our customers how, where and by whom our clothing is produced. It will start in January 2015.

How can the organic jeans be taken out of their niche existence?

We alone can not change the fashion industry, we need the help of other brands. But if we try out new production methods and show others what is possible, hopefully other brands will change as well. We firmly believe that this is the future of fashion.

How do you rate the market for organic jeans?

We have read in consumer studies that our buying behavior will change within the next five years. Consumers in the food industry are already very interested in organic products, and this change will soon take place in fashion. Everyone has to understand that a t-shirt for 3 euros may not have been produced in good conditions for people and the environment.

These labels feature organic jeans

Organic Jeans

Ecouture Clothing (May 2024).

Environmental Awareness, Fashion, Latin America, Organic Jeans, Eco-Jeans, Kuyichi