Crown-Rump Length: What's that?

At the very beginning of your pregnancy, your doctor will be the crown-rump-length during the ultrasound scan, in short SSLto measure your baby's size. The crown-rump-length gives between the 7th and 13th week of pregnancy the distance between the highest point of the head and the rump of your baby. But why does not the doctor measure the total length of your baby? This is due to the curved posture of the fetus in this development phase, which makes a measurement on the whole impossible.

Crown-Rump Length: Why do you measure them?

The crown rump length provides information about:

  • the development status 
  • any negative developments and Diseases 
  • the expectedbirth date 

Determine pregnancy duration with crown-rump length

By measuring the crown-rump length, your gynecologist determines that Age of your baby from the time of fertilization. This method is in the first weeks of pregnancy very accuratebecause all fetuses develop at the beginning of a pregnancy. From about the 7th week of pregnancy your baby grows about a millimeter during the day. But no fearif your offspring slightly smaller or larger than the norm is. After all, the moment of fertilization can not be exactly determined to the minute. If something is noticeable about your baby, your doctor will inform you.

Determine birth date with Naegele rule

Using the Naegele Rule and Crown-Rump Length, your gynecologist calculates the expected delivery date.

Naegele's rule:

First day of the last period? 3 months + 1 year and 7 days = delivery date

Determine birth date by SSL measurements

The measurements of SSL will be compared with statistical valueswhereby the expected date of birth can be determined. If the results of the Naegele rule and the measurement of SSL are different, the SSL calculation is preferred. The date of birth is then in the Registered mother pass, This can, however, be repeated until the 12th week of pregnancy Getting corrected

Pregnancy week (SSW) Size (in cm
6th week 0.4 cm
7th week 1.0 cm
8th week 1.6 cm
9th week 2.5 cm
10th week 3 cm
11th week 4 cm
12th week 5.5 cm
13th week 7 cm
14th week 8 cm

From the 13th week of pregnancy, the biparietal head diameter, the transverse diameter of the thorax and the length of the femur (femur) are finally measured to determine the size of your baby.

Videotipp: Unique: Mother gives birth to pregnant baby


Measuring Nuchal Translucency and Crown Rump Length: 12–13 weeks scan (May 2024).

Term of birth, pregnancy week