Deadly danger: Food recall because of glass splinters!

Continental Foods recalls their product Erasco-Schalenmenü 'Schweinegeschnetzeltes in Waldpilz-Sauce mit Rotkohl und Spätzle'. In some cases, small pieces of glass were found in the red cabbage compartment. There is a danger of swallowing it.

Which product is exactly recalled?

The affected product is only the batch with the number L468 1412M1 and the Best before date 06.2018.

Nationwide RECALL for glass splinters: Continental Foods calls their product Erasco cup menu ...

Posted by Stiftung Warentest on Thursday, May 11, 2017

What do I have to do as an affected customer?

Customers who have bought the product should not consume it! You can return it in your shopping center without presentation of the receipt and of course get the purchase price refunded. In addition, a free consumer hotline is available at 0800/5650004.

Recall DiGiorno, Lean Cuisine, Stouffer’s Products Recalled for Potential Glass Shards (July 2024).

Recall, broken glass, Continental, mortal danger