• April 26, 2024

What does the Knigge say about sneezing?

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: Mrs. Smits, if someone has to sneeze, should I say "health"?

Marlies Smits: In public space, all body sounds are ignored - even sneezing. Today we refrain from wishing the other "health" because we do not want to put the other's illness in the foreground.

But the other person may find my silence impolite if he does not know that rule.

That's a bit ambiguous indeed. Because "health" is also a friendly wish, and there are people who do not know that you do not say that today. So if you feel like the other guy is looking at you expectantly, you are saying "health". But in big meetings, or when at the supermarket checkout the woman in front of you must sneeze in the queue, say better nothing.

And how do I react if someone wishes me "health"?

Then say "thank you" for a moment and you're done.

Do I have to apologize if I had to sneeze?

In a two-way conversation, it is appropriate to apologize briefly - the sneezing interrupts the conversation. In the meeting you ignore your own sneezing as it is ignored by the others.

Is it okay to blow your nose in public?

In Germany, it is not frowned upon to brush your nose in public. But in Canada and in Asia it is absolutely bad behavior. But even with us there are some rules that should be followed.

What should one pay attention to?

Many people snort their noses and then look again, which was the result. That is not good behavior! And not even as Benjamin Blümchen trumpet in the handkerchief - it is also quiet and discreet. If you feel like you should blow your nose harder, go to the bathroom. Then you can wash your hands immediately afterwards and dispose of the handkerchief.

Where to put the handkerchief when I'm not in the bathroom?

Each wastebasket is a thankful recipient for used handkerchiefs. It's best not to put it in your pocket, then you will not be tempted to use it again. Because one thing just not: pull a used handkerchief from your pocket again and see if you still find a vacancy! Paper handkerchiefs are intended for single use.

How do I act stylistically when a constant cough stimulates me?

If you really need to cough constantly and interrupt the conversation several times, a short apology is appropriate. Have lozenges ready for such emergencies. But please only small lozenges, and do not continue with a thick malt candy in the cheek pouch. Otherwise, take care of others. With a bronchitis you do not belong in the theater - if I have to cough constantly, I have nothing of the performance and harass others. Since I prefer to give up and give the map of the neighbor.

Behavior adviser Marlies Smits

How do I tactfully tell my sick colleague that he should go home better than infect the others?

It is best to respond with a first-person message: "With such a severe cold, I stay in bed, I'm fine and I have no bad conscience that I could infect others."

Keyword contagion: even by the handshake viruses can be transmitted. So you better not shake hands with others during the cold period?

Surely everyone is grateful if you have a cold and renounce "kisses right, kisses left". Not to shake hands, but many perceive as rude. Therefore: coughing, sneezing, yawning - always in the left hand, so you have the right to handshake free and clean. And if you really have a health apostle in front of you, say politely, "I have a cold, so I'm sure you'll be fine if I do not shake hands."

Marlies Smits heads the business consultancy in Großhansdorf near Hamburg.

The N Word Prank!! (April 2024).

Sneezing, cold, Germany, kneeling, sneezing, health