Week of pregnancy 8 (8th week of pregnancy): Found a midwife?

You are now in the 8th week of pregnancy (SSW 8). The first trimester is progressing, the second month of pregnancy is almost over. At least now you should go to the first check-up with your gynecologist. Because even if the scale so far shows no weight gain? The baby in your stomach is developing rapidly. And you may continue to be plagued by mood swings and nausea.

This is how the baby develops in the 8th week of pregnancy

Your baby is already about 13 to 15 millimeters in size (crown-rump-length). This is still very tiny? yet it looks like a real person. You can clearly see a face, with nose, mouth and eyes. The eyelids will form until the end of the week.

Besides, it already has arms, hands and tiny fingers that are still connected. Kidneys and stomach of the embryo have already started to work and produce urine and stomach acid.

This happens in the 8th week of pregnancy in your body

Your body in the second month of pregnancy (SSW 5 - 8).

© Shutterstock / MSSA

The uterus continues to expand. The mother straps, which hold the uterus in its correct position, drag on for length. That can be one with some women Tugging in the abdomen and abdominal pain to lead. If the pain persists or you are unsure, definitely go to the gynecologist. He can check if it may have a more serious cause, but most likely will take your worries away, so that you can enjoy your pregnancy better again.

The same applies bleeding, These, too, can appear again and again in a mild form during this month of pregnancy or trimester. That's perfectly normal, but you should have it clarified for security.

SSW 8: What's important now

The mother passport: signpost through the pregnancy

From now on always with you: the mother passport.

© Wikipedia / Erik Streb

Most pregnant women get it at the initial examination and anamnesis by the gynecologist or the midwife, some also a little later: the mother passport. He should accompany you from now on to any screening appointment with the doctor or the midwife or in the hospital.

Here are all important medical information about your pregnancy noted. For example, the blood group affiliation, the Rhesus factor, the results of blood tests, or pre-existing conditions in the family.

In the so-called Gravidogramm The result of each check-up and the ultrasound examinations is entered. From data such as your weight, the size of the fetus and the movements of the child the gynecologist can tell if the pregnancy is normal. The dates for your check-ups and the probable date of birth are also in the passport. The course of the birth and the first examination afterwards are also entered here.

Keep the mother pass well after birth! Because if you want to have another child, the information is important for the doctors and the midwife. He also offers space for another pregnancy anyway.

You do not understand some terms in the passport? Here are the medical words explained.

Midwife looking for

If you've decided to have your check-up done by a midwife anyway, then you're already in good hands. For all others, it is advisable to look after a midwife as soon as possible.

Every pregnant woman is entitled to midwifery help before and after birth? the costs are covered by the health insurance. A midwife can advise you in addition to your medical visits on all questions and "Zipperlein" around the pregnancy.

You can also do the birth preparation course with her, a home birth accompanied by her birth or birth house birth - and of course the aftercare after birth. Only the ultrasound examinations can not perform? So you have to go to the gynecologist for the nice pictures of your unborn child.

Unfortunately, there are not enough midwives for all pregnant women in all regions (keyword: midwife crisis). So make sure you search as early as possible and let them recommend you!

Also exciting in the 8th SSW:

Calculate birth date

Here we explain how you can calculate your expected date of birth and your current pregnancy week. Now calculate your pregnancy week

Smoking in pregnancy

Why it is so dangerous and what the consequences of tobacco for the unborn child, we explain in our article on smoking in pregnancy.


Pregnancy | First Trimester: Week 9 | StreamingWell.com (May 2024).

Pregnancy, maternity, midwife, pregnancy, childbirth, ultrasound, ultrasound examination