Time Management Methods: How to do more!

Time Management Methods: Which method suits me?

We all deal with time differently! Some need pressure and stress to really focus on the work. Others can not even think about work without a clear structure and a tidy desk.

Time management is first and foremost self-management. All methods have their advantages and work, but the question is: Does the method work for you? Or even better formulated: Do you work for the method? Because self-management starts with you and with your inner attitude.

We'll ask you now five popular time management methods closer and give you tips on how they work for you.

Do not switch daily from one method to the nextbut test over a longer period what works for you. You can do some methods as well combinebecause they complement each other great.

Time Management Methods: Pareto Principle

  • The Pareto principle, too 80/20 - Principle called, clearly puts the focus on the right one priorities.
  • It says that you get 80 percent of the effort with 20 percent of the effort. For the remaining 20 percent of output, on the other hand, you would have to spend 80 percent of your effort.
  • It's not about doing all things with only 20 percent of your strength, but about focusing on the 20 percent of tasks that contribute most to your goal.

In summary, you will do less things, but very intensive and regular.

Tip: Write down the day, what tasks you are working on and which ones are actually productive. In particular Distractions, like the smartphone or the internet, eat a lot of time and make your work difficult. In the sense of Not-to-do list do you filter out your "enemies"?

Time Management Methods: ABC Analysis

The ABC analysis is probably the Classic in time management, This is clearly about the classification of priorities. You make yourself one List of all taskswho you? during the day or in the week? want to do.

Then you look at the tasks and assess their importance to you. O tasks are for you first, while C-tasks pending behind.

  • Ask yourself: Which tasks can I give or leave out (C-tasks), since they do not influence my goals much. Always dedicate yourself to the A-Tasks first and start with your every day most important priority on!
  • Tip: Make it a habit to recognize in a few minutes which task is important to you and which one you do not even need to write down. Soon there will be no more C-tasks with you!

Time Management Methods: Alpen Method

The Alpen Method, invented by Lothar Seibert, helps you, yours Day to plan exactly, There are five steps to follow.

  • AWrite down tasks
  • Lestimate the length
  • PSchedule buffers
  • emake decisions (priorities)
  • Nachkontrolle

The Alps method gives your day a very clear structure. Your advantage: If you use the method for a longer time, you will get a very good sense of how long which tasks will take and become very good at it Dealing with deadlines and deadlines become.

However, the Alps method is relatively rigidTherefore, do not consider it as a strict dogma. Stay flexible to incorporate new developments in your structure during the day or adapt them accordingly.

Time Management Methods: Getting Things Done (GTD)

GTD is basically not a time management method, but a profound system, David Allen, who designed this system, wrote a whole book about it.

We want you here in short form the five steps from GTD but refer to the book if you're really interested in getting the whole system.

Even if it is in the beginning a little bit elaborate It may well be worth it since you adapt your structure to GTD For each task the process clearly stated have.

1. To capture: Write down everything so that nothing remains in the head.

2. By working: You go through all of your points and assign them to certain further processes.

3. Organize: Each point gets a clear structure for execution, with subsequent steps, required materials etc.

4. Review and Care: Every week you check your system and progress.

5. Complete: Context, time, energy and importance determine which tasks you work through.

Time Management Methods: Eat the Frog

Bryan Tracy has the principle "Eat the Frog" made known. However, the underlying wisdom comes from none other than Mark Twain:

Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.

Basically everything is already said that? Every morning you go first your most important task on. The one you would rather press, but which is fundamental to achieving your goals.

Once you have swallowed the frog, the day can not be bad anymore.

Besides, you do it to yourself Habit of always leaving the comfort zone and to do unpleasant things first. This can help you in many areas of life.

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