Energy saving in the home: 15 simple tips

Electrical appliances

TV, stereo, computer, DVD player: They are all stand-by candidates, which are usually not switched off. But that costs. Per household and year, the costs add up to well over 100 euros depending on the equipment. So turn them off as often as possible, preferably via a power strip with power switch. Your computer screen is from the last millennium? Then you should check it out as soon as possible. Flat screens consume much less power than the old CRT monitors. You save even more energy by turning down the brightness of the monitor, which is often set higher than necessary. In addition, there are devices that are only apparently off ("Scheinaus") or have no switch. You can easily test if your device is really off: Should the power supply remain warm even though you have turned off the device, power will continue to flow. Here, too, socket strips with a power switch are recommended, which can also be used to switch several devices on and off.


The larger the TV, the higher the power consumption. So if you want to buy a new TV, you should think carefully before buying, if a device with a smaller screen size is not enough. LED backlit TVs consume about half less power than plasma devices. When buying, compare the annual electricity consumption. This makes it easier to compare devices with each other. Do not set the device too bright; this increases the power consumption.


Even if a full bath is wonderfully relaxing - in everyday life, you prefer to take a shower rather than a bath. Bathing consumes three times as much energy and water as showers. When soaping in the shower best turn off the water, this also applies to brushing and shaving. Ideal: use a flow limiter, economy sparger or economy shower head. They are cheap in every hardware store and they are easy to install. This can reduce water consumption by up to 50 percent and the air mixed with the water still creates a full jet.


A water-saving button in the toilet flush reduces water consumption three fold. If you do not have a saving button or want to install, the so-called toilet stop weight is an alternative. Attach this weight to the float valve in the cistern. When the rinsing button is released, the float valve is immediately pushed back and less water flows through. Even simpler: In older toilets sometimes a stone or a filled plastic bottle in the cistern helps to limit the volume of water.


Do not place large furniture such as beds and cabinets too close to the outside walls of the house. Because the closer the piece of furniture is to the walls, the more the wall temperature drops. This can also cause unpleasant moisture. Optimal is a wall distance of five to ten centimeters.


You always have a window open? Not a good idea, because a lot of heat is lost. Especially in winter you should open all windows at the same time for five minutes and then close again. Through the draft, a lot of fresh air comes in at one go, but little heat gets out. On the other hand, windows that have been tipped over for half an hour allow only a small amount of fresh air, but a lot of heat is released. In addition, you should not hide heaters with curtains or furniture. This is the only way the heat can spread unhindered.


Refrigerators and freezers are among the household appliances that use the most electricity because they are in constant use. They account for about one fifth of the electricity consumption in a household. Make sure the refrigerator is not near the stove or exposed to other sources of heat (such as heating). You should also avoid direct sunlight. The fridge just needs too much unnecessary force to hold the temperature. Defrost the freezer ice layers once or twice a year. Then not only fits more into the device, it also requires less power. Allow food to cool before putting it in the fridge or freezer. Choose storage temperatures of seven degrees in the refrigerator and minus 18 degrees in the freezer. That's enough. You go on vacation? Then set the refrigerator to the lowest cooling level. Even better: switch off. But then let the door open so that no mold forms. If you are looking for a new refrigerator and freezer, you should choose a device with energy efficiency class A +++. Also, make sure the device fits your needs. A large, unused refrigerator is unsuitable for one person.


Use the microwave for quick thawing.Also egg cooker, kettle and toaster are more economical than the stove.


Dishwashers are by no means inferior to traditional dishes by hand. On the contrary, you need less water. A dishwasher cleans a place for twelve people with about ten to 15 liters. By hand, you would need about 46 liters. Always start the dishwasher fully charged. And do not wash the dishes, this is done by the machine. When adjusting, pay attention to the water hardness and if possible use energy-saving and short programs. If you buy a new device, the efficiency class A is the most economical, and the lowest energy consumption is the most efficient.


Do not inspect the cake or roast while baking with the door open too long. As a result, much heat is lost. There is a lot to bake and roast? Then with convection ovens on different levels, push everything in at the same time. Incidentally, many recipes also work without preheating. You save even more energy, namely up to 20 percent, if you install a "baking space divider". This is a slot with integrated bottom heat, which reduces the oven to two-thirds. Is it in the specialized trade.


When cooking applies: On every pot a lid! And a good closing: The size of the saucepan should also match the stove. If it is too big, the cooking takes longer, with too small pots, a lot of heat is lost. You have an electric stove? Then set it off ten minutes before the end of the preparation time and use the residual heat. Only heat as much water as you actually need. Pressure cookers consume up to 50 percent less energy.

Washing machine

Never use washing machines half empty, but always fully loaded. Then they wash the cheapest, even if there are now machines that calculate the load and adjust the water and electricity consumption. You can almost always do without pre-wash, unless the clothes are heavily soiled. And most things get clean even at 60 ° instead of 90 °. A 60-degree laundry needs 36 percent less energy than the cooking cycle, a 30-degree laundry even 75 percent. Special programs such as those for delicates only select when needed. Because these programs consume three times as much energy as normal programs and more water. Once a month you should go through a 60-degree Awschgang so that no germs can accumulate and multiply. If you want to buy a new washing machine, you should choose a device with energy efficiency class A +++ and prefer programs with low temperatures and eco programs.

clothes dryer

Dryer use a lot of electricity. Therefore, when washing in the washing machine set as high a spin speed as possible (at least 1400 revolutions per minute) so that the laundry does not have to get soaking wet in the dryer. This saves you drying time - and therefore also electricity and money.


The name says it all: Energy-saving lamps consume up to 80 percent less electricity than regular bulbs. They are even more economical with electronic ballast. In the outdoor area, the use of a motion detector is worthwhile. Then the light only starts when it is really needed.


About 70 percent of private energy consumption is accounted for by the heating - here you can save as the right! Good is to regulate the temperatures for each room individually: Recommended for the living room 20 to 22 degrees, bedrooms 16 to 18 degrees, nursery 20 degrees and for the bathroom 24 degrees. If you do not want to give up a cozy, warm bathroom in the morning, attach a thermostat with a timer. The heating automatically raises its temperature shortly before getting up and then switches off again. At night, do not turn down the radiator completely. To warm up the cooled room the next day, the heating needs a lot of energy. When there is a glitch in the oil heater, there is air in the radiator. It blocks the circulation. Anti-Gluger Strategy: Open the valve on the temperature controller, hold one container underneath and wait for water to come out. Then close the valve again.

Top 6 Energy Efficient Upgrades for Your Home! (July 2024).

Household, energy saving, Germany, EU, energy, electricity, water, water consumption, energy consumption, household tips