Ethan Hawke: More than an actor

"I'm not a bad singer for an actor"

On November 15th, Ethan Hawkes (47, "The Dead Poets Club") new movie "Juliet, Naked" will be released in German cinemas. On the side of Rose Byrne (39, "Bad Neighbors") and Chris O'Dowd (38, "The IT Crowd,") the actor embodies a rocker whose old song suddenly turns into a hit, Hawke evidently did not take it to sing for himself, as he has betrayed "Page Six," the gossip portal of the "New York Post." "I can do a little something and have not taken any lessons. [...] What you lack in technique, you make up for with passion. "

Ethan Hawke on parenthood: ‘It’s opening me up as an actor’ (May 2024).

Ethan Hawke, Ethan Hawke, Juliet Naked