• May 20, 2024

A friend for all cases

In a relationship, there are always nice and bad sides. Nice: listening to music and smooching, cooking together and drinking too much red wine, having breakfast in bed on Sundays and going for a walk. Bad: If he never rinses, when he goes on holiday with his buddies, when his ex-girlfriend calls. But who does not want to be alone, has to accept it - who says A, must also say B. Or at least find a common C

After my last relationship I just want the ace in my life. Many glittering ace. I sprinkle it between all the other beautiful things I like so much: the girl's night at the Thai around the corner, a relaxing weekend between two exciting getaways, my favorite course in the gym. The logical consequence of this even starts with an A: It has to be an affair.

The problem: Commercial affairs and I do not work together. Either the guy is pique that I'm not in love with him immortal, or I think the man so great that I'm afraid to lose my heart against all good intentions after all. And then everything is complicated again. That's why I kissed Till. My best friend.

On the next page: Men overestimate the sexual intentions of girlfriends

How can she ?, will be studying graduate manager screaming. In terms of physicality, so many friendships have broken! What happens if Till falls terribly in love? Then the whole long-standing friendship is gone. I say, relax. Platonic friendships between women and men are built anyway on ridiculously thin ice.

An American researcher has recently discovered that they are virtually impossible. Men - who would have thought it? - overestimate the sexual intentions of their female mates; Women underestimate the interest of their good friends. And my roommate Laura thinks you can not really be friends with a guy until you're in bed with him. Then the natural tension between the sexes would be removed, and one could turn to the essential.

Said and done. I gave Till a little drunken talk on a red-wine evening and cautiously offered him to expand our friendship, well. If the proposal had not arrived well, I would have put everything on the alcohol. But Till kissed me willingly. Now we have a secret friendship affair.

To keep it that way, we use a secret language. "May I wash my laundry with you?" means: I would like to take you off. And: "Fancy the new season '24'?" means something like: Let's spend the weekend together. Real claims to each other do not exist. If one does not have time, the other one is not angry.

Sometimes Till also praises me about other women. I find that very reassuring, because it shows me that the fronts are clear. Anyway, everything is very relaxed between us, because we know each other for so long. I do not have to pull in my stomach or give up my old sweatpants. And when Till gets drunk from a bar stool at a party, I'm not getting really upset - after all, he's not my friend.

If I unexpectedly fall in love with the bus driver, I'm not worried about tills and my friendship: Another study from America says that 60 percent of the surveyed students already had such a "friends-with-benefit" relationship, so a crony with some added value. After all, a third of them was still good friends after the liaison. And Laura says that a former buddy "with benefit" will continue to hope for intercourse sex in the future and become the most caring friend in the world, with computer problems, parades or Ikea rides. It could be that the matter with the bus driver goes awry - and I need friendly comfort again.

Interview: In Car Crash Cases, The Insurance Company is Not Your Friend (May 2024).

Sex, best friend, buddy, platonic friendship, friends-with-benefit relationship