5 tricks you eat less

Ironic discipline probably works for most of us: we can undertake to take smaller portions and less look-up in the future, but in most cases that only works for a few days and then you're back in business.

So let's outsmart our heads and resort to small but effective tricks - because there are a few tricks that automatically cause us to eat less!

Trick 1: Consciously eating

It sounds so banal and natural, but is really a very important point: if you eat, eat! Not more!

Various studies have shown that we eat even less if we consciously eat our food and focus on the activity of eating. This also means: TV off, reasonable at the table and do not be distracted! Because: When we hit the sofa and shovel our dinners into the latest episode "Gray's Anatomy", we do not even realize how much we eat ...

Trick 2: Pick the right plate

Experts have proven in studies that we eat less when we eat from smaller plates. Sounds funny, right? But it is true: Our brain only realizes: "Full plate!" - and we eat him up. But a full dinner plate means a lot more food than a full small plate.

The color of the plate also plays a role: it should stand out clearly from the food that lies on it, then our brain can better process the eating progress. Researchers have also discovered that red plates slow down our food - because they remind our brains of stop signs!

By the way, using smaller spoons to eat can also help: if we take the tea rather than the tablespoon, we are forced to eat slower and more consciously.

Trick 3: eat more slowly

If you want to eat less, you should eat more slowly! The reason behind it is quite simple: when we eat something, it does not end up in the stomach, but is still on the way for a while. This means that we can not notice in time, that we are full, if we just shovel everything inside us.

But if we eat slowly, our body has time to process everything and then to signal our brains when we are full. That's why: Quietly lay knife and fork in between, chew slowly and swallow. You'll be surprised how quickly a feeling of satiation sets in!

Trick 4: Out of sight, out of mind

In various experiments, it has been proven that, unfortunately, we tend to eat more when it is easy for us. When an open bar of chocolate is on our desk, we are much more likely to grab it than if the same plate were still in the drawer.

Translated to our food this means: The pots of food should stay better in the kitchen. If we put them on the dining table - within reach, so to speak - the danger is much higher that we take another look after the first portion.

Trick 5: Hang a mirror

Granted, this trick sounds crazy at first and a bit scary, too: but it helps to hang a mirror in the dining room or over the dining table. Again, the reason is our brain: we tend to eat less if we can see each other while eating. Because: We look at ourselves from the outside and not only enjoy subjective.

HOW TO REDUCE SUGAR ‣‣ 5 tricks to eat less sugar (May 2024).

Gray's Anatomy, eat, lose weight, eat less, do tricks