Why the tampon in the forest can be vital?

Stupid that it has rained for hours and now everything is combustible drenched. Everything? The tampons not? they are stuck in a plastic foil! Pick them up, pick the cotton and put some lip balm in it to accelerate the fire. If you later, staring melancholy into the flames, notices that your days are coming and there is no more tampon left: this is life!


Small animals can bite, sting, transmit incurable diseases, cause allergic shock, kill. That's why the dress code is: safety over beauty. Long Cargo Buxe instead of sexy shorts, a shirt instead of a tank top, at least ankle-high shoes instead of sandals, pant legs stuck in the socks or the same gaiters wear, hat with mosquito net instead of flower wreath.

Where am I?

Give yourself five minutes of panic. Then look for tree trunks that are heavily covered with moss, there could be northwest? it usually rains from this direction. Since wind often comes from the west, trees tend to the east. In the south, tree stumps have the thickest annual rings. And then there are still flowing waters that you follow downstream. Back to civilization.


There is this movie? Into the Wild ?. The hero of the story is an idiot who has romantic notions of Alaska but no idea. So he stuffs some greens in himself? and afterwards (!) in a plant book he reads that he will die from it. Moral of the story: Eat best, what you? in hopefully sufficient quantity? have taken. Otherwise only (!!), what you really (!!!) know. Not everything that looks like a mushroom is also one.


Big animals can bite, break bones, kill. Fortunately, bear, boar, reindeer, wolf and consorts are usually shy and forgiven themselves when they hear unfamiliar noises? like running around a horde of drunken Russians, singing, clapping, bawling, helping. Otherwise: keep your eyes open, avoid confusing terrain, leave everything edible airtight.


Avoid all trees, just like electricity pylons and other long things. Lightning strikes like a big one. The retreat to hills, hilltops, ridges and other elevations? not good! Not to go into the water either. That's power, physics, you know. So? Make it small, crawl into a hollow or squat down, arms around your knees, move your head in and wait.

Is Honey Vegan? Healthy? Humane? (May 2024).