"I regret that most in my life": 3 generations tell

Our series "3 generations tell"

In the editorial department, we regularly discuss issues that move and occupy ourselves - the search for a partner, love, parents, beauty, the meaning of life or our relationship to the job. It is always noticeable that the different generations tick differently.

That's why we started the series "Three Generations Telling" in which we let women of different ages have their say. It pays to keep looking back!

Today it's about the topic To regret, We asked three women of a family: "What do you regret most?"

Sophie (21) would have liked to avoid the social pressure after leaving school

For many years, before I knew what a degree actually means, I was sure that one day I would like to go to university. Even as a high school graduate with good grades nothing came into question for me. All around me all spoke only of the various universities, Numerus Clausus and application deadlines.

Without thinking much about it, I applied for a very general course of study, according to the motto "you can do it later". I never thought about a vocational training or a direct job entry after graduation.

Today I regret that I only studied because I felt that it should be so. An apprenticeship or a more practice-oriented study would have been more appropriate for me. You should not always be guided by your environment when it comes to making important decisions.

Christine (57) says, "I let myself be discouraged too quickly."

Opera singing fascinates me since I am a young girl. Today I am a violinist and I love my profession. And yet there is always a little remorse about a decision that will soon be 40 years old.

At the age of 18 I started studying violin at the conservatory and got vocal lessons. Singing inspired me and I knew that I was not bad. I would have liked to register for the test for opera singing, but my self-confidence was too small and my shame too big.

One day, after all, I mustered up my courage and participated in the exam. From one professor came positive feedback, but from another I heard that I had little potential. I let myself be discouraged at once, gave up my secret dream and concentrated from then on only on the violin.

Today I know that I just lacked the confidence and courage to stand up for my dream and that I should not have listened to the opinions of individuals.

Suzanne (92) regrets her financial dependence

It has changed a lot since my youth. Back then, as girls we were not so free in our decisions, our way was more predetermined and we had a hard time leading an independent life. Today it is quite normal for a woman to live alone, earn her own money, and live as she pleases.

I have studied but never really worked. This left me financially dependent on my husband all my life. This is something that I regret from today's perspective.

Throughout the years, I have volunteered and actively engaged in society, but never was completely independent. Everything happened in consultation with my husband - for every step a woman needed the consent of her husband.

With much admiration I observe the courage and zest for action of my daughters and granddaughters, who lead a self-determined life. Every woman should retain her independence as a wife and mother in order to be free to make decisions? something that was not possible for me yet.

VIDEO TIP: You should do these 10 things before you are old!

I regret my life choices.mp4 (July 2024).
