Crass type change! Mirja Du Mont is barely recognizable

If you hear the name Mirja Du Mont, you probably still have the pictures of a blonde, discreetly painted Mirja in mind. HA, of course! The 40-year-old surprises on the 'Mercedes Benz Fashion Week 2017' in Berlin with a whole new look!

© Gettyimages / Brian Dowling

"Everyone overlooked me"

And? We did not promise too much, did we? "Everyone has overlooked me," says the still-wife of Sky Du Mont opposite RTL. No wonder! Completely in black with a rock leather jacket, dark make-up, dyed hair and nose piercing, she presents herself in a crass gothic look. Subtle pastel tones are a thing of the past.

What is behind the type change?

In July 2016, the love-off of Sky and Mirja was announced. As is well known, many women go to the barber after a breakup and get a new look. Whether that was exactly the case with Mirja and her styling is now synonymous for a new life?

Who knows - actually, everything went peacefully between her and her ex, and there was no trace of a rose war anywhere. Maybe she was just experimental? What do you think of the dark grunge look?

A Car Rolled Over On I 94 Pile-Up Trucker Rudi 03-02-19 Vlog#1700 (July 2024).

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, type change, Berlin