Birth of Baby Sussex: Royal fans celebrate the little ones in Windsor

The baby of Duchess Meghan (37, "Suits") and Prince Harry (34) is finally here! As the two of them announced on Monday afternoon, Meghan gave birth to a healthy boy early in the morning. Fans of the Royals celebrated the news not only in the social media. Many people gathered in the afternoon in the town of Windsor, where the two royals have been living in Frogmore Cottage for a few weeks. This is reported by the British "BBC".

Did the baby be born at Frogmore Cottage?

It is likely that Duchess Meghan had her child at home, as a correspondent of the broadcaster explains. "Windsor is getting busy," a BBC reporter said. A group of people around them applauded loudly when the news of the birth of Baby Sussex became known.

Some present may be disappointed that Meghan gave birth to a boy. Because next to signs with congratulations on the birth of a male child, some fans had already attached banners in the past few days in the surrounding city, where the birth of a girl is celebrated.

Windsor tourists excited over imminent royal birth (July 2024).

Windsor, BBC, Prince Harry, Instagram, Birth, Baby Sussex, Baby Sussex, Duchess Meghan, Prince Harry, Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry, Royals