Star Wars: Disney wants to change that now

Disney has announced changes to "Star Wars". The run in May strip "Solo: A Star Wars Story" could not bring in the desired results at the box office. The movie started just months after "Episode VIII", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi". That will not happen in the future.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Disney boss Bob Iger, 67, said Thursday that he wanted to spend more time with Star Wars and make bigger breaks between episodes. "I made the timing decisions, and when I look back, I think my mistake - and I blame myself - was to make everything a bit too much and too fast," Iger said. In the future, everything would slow down a bit precede.

To calm the fans, however, Iger also makes it clear: "That does not mean that we will not make any more films." They just wanted to be a bit more cautious in scope and timing, he explained. In December 2019 but first "Episode IX" by director J.J. Abrams (52) come to the cinemas, filming is already under way. What comes afterwards, is being clarified, so Iger.

Star Wars! Disney Wants To Change THIS! Good Or Bad (Star Wars News) (July 2024).

Star Wars, Walt Disney, Movie, Star Wars, Disney, Bob Iger