Oliver Mommsen: "Tatort" break with tears, Rio Reiser and surfboard

The last "crime scene" with actor Oliver Mommsen (50) in his parade role of the Bremen Commissar Stedefreund flickers on Easter Monday over the screens. In an interview with the news agency spot on news, the native of Düsseldorf explains how the real farewell to the crew after the last day of shooting for the "crime scene: Where is my darling?" was what he got as a gift and how it goes on for him now.

Have you already seen the farewell "crime scene" and, if so, did the tears come to you?

Oliver Mommsen: I even saw him on the big screen of the Cinemaxx in Bremen. And yes, tears came. But that was because just an incredibly beautiful time came to an end. And now I'm curious how the film reaches the audience.

Sabine Postel and you spent one on the last day of shooting. Was there anything else celebrated?

Mommsen: Yes. The production has given a super nice farewell party right after the shooting. Friederike Weimar, who has edited all our last films, has again made all the films with her team and cut a 30-minute best-of. That was an emotional roller coaster ride. Last but not least there was a big preview at the Cinemaxx on the 6th of April and afterwards a wonderful get-together with all the old acquaintances. Even sung to the tune of Rio Reisers "Junimond - it's over, at ..."

Which souvenir did you take from the last shoot?

Mommsen: Annette Strelow, our editor, and Jan Weyrauch, our program director, actually went to the neighborhood and bought me a surfboard for after the "crime scene". The next day I am so proud of how Bolle walked into the hotel.

Which scene comes to mind spontaneously when you are asked about the most memorable scene in all these many years as Commissioner Stedefreund?

Mommsen: I think I'll never forget how I stood with Monica Bleibtreu at night in a dimly lit, icy church and she had a huge monologue. I, on the other hand, had only brief objections in the right place and thought all the time: "Dude, do not mess it up!" - What a stunning, amazing woman!

They liked to do a lot of stunts of their own role, was to read. Is that true and how did the skydiving scenes in the "Tatort: ​​Where has my darling stayed?"

Mommsen: That's not true. When it got really challenging, I was glad when the professionals arrived. A stuntman or a stunt woman can give us actors super powers by doing spectacular actions that everyone thinks our characters did. There is a lot of that in the last movie. But I want to betray nothing. Only so much: It was an Emperor's fun!

Skydiving, bungeejumping, etc. Do you like this privately?

Mommsen: I'm athletic and I love to challenge myself. But I do not have to jump off a plane with a backpack on my back. Cycling in Berlin can cause a similar adrenaline rush.

On Instagram, share your post-crime scene with followers. Theater, readings, game show, sports, travel, game nights ... How much do you enjoy it?

Mommsen: Very, otherwise I would not share it. I'm so happy that I can let off steam in such a versatile way.

Is there already a next mature TV project?

Mommsen: At the moment I'm standing with Anja Kling for a SAT.1 movie in front of the camera. From the 5th of september I will be on the side of Laura Tonke in "Mein Lotta-Leben" in the cinema, and in autumn the ARD will feature the movie "The best dad in the world". Also, I'm back on stage with Jo Nesbo to present his new book, and on May 6, I'll be reading Gary Shteyngart's Bookstore Geisesblüten in Berlin from his new book, "Welcome to Lake Success."

Schauspieler Oliver Mommsen über seine Zeit auf der Schule Schloss Salem - Schule Schloss Salem (July 2024).

Oliver Mommsen, crime scene, Rio Reiser, shooting day, sweetheart, Stedefreund, Easter Monday, Bremen, Sabine Postel, SAT.1, Oliver Mommsen, crime scene: Where is my darling ?, Lürsen and Stedefreund, Rio Reiser, farewell