Make-up school for cancer patients

Make-up film: The complexion As the skin often becomes extremely dry through chemotherapy, a rich cream base is important to facilitate even makeup application. Eye shadows and redness are concealed with concealer.

Make-up film: eye make-up Especially the eyebrows give the face contour and expression. First you follow the course of the brows, the eyeliner replaces missing eyelash hairs. If there are still fine eyelashes, they are gently showered.

Make-up film: hair and towels Due to the chemo- and radiotherapy, most of the patients have no hair. Ways to hide the hair loss: a wig or shawls. What to look for in the selection.

Interview: "Everybody is beautiful" Make-up expert Serena Goldenbaum, 42, was immediately impressed when we asked her for our make-up school for cancer patients. In the interview she tells us about the experience.

Makeup tips for cancer patients (May 2024).

Chemotherapy, complexion, wigs, make-up school