Lena Dunham: Nothing like leaving Brooklyn

"Girls" star Lena Dunham (32) moves inside New York, more specifically from the Brooklyn neighborhood to the Manhattan-based West Village. Actually not a big deal, but the New Yorker magazine "The Cut" she revealed the reason for their decision. "I just want to live with old people who do not remind me every day about my infertility and loneliness," Dunham said. She used to identify herself completely with Brooklyn, and now she feels comfortable rummaging around with her "tribe in health food stores in the West Village."

The most important impetus for their move was therefore no longer having to see baby bellies, mothers with their children or baby carriages. For Dunham himself underwent surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) last winter to relieve the symptoms of her chronic uterine lining disease.

Christopher Abbott Leaving Girls Because of Lena Dunham?! (May 2024).

Brooklyn, Lena Dunham, Manhattan, Star Lena Dunham, Lena Dunham, Moving, New York, Brooklyn, West Village