Cut leek - how it works!

Cut off the root end and part of the dark green leaves with a large chef's knife. Remove outside thick leaves. Cut in the upper end of the leek bar lengthwise and fan out. Thorough washing - between the leaves collects earth. Then dab the leek dry.

Cut the bottom end into thick rings. Halve the rest of the leek along lengthwise, cut into five to six centimeter long pieces and place with the cut surface on the worktop. Cut with the chef's knife into fine strips about three millimeters wide (for quick pan and fish dishes). Finely or roughly dice the leek strips as desired.

Cut leeks - here you can try out your new knowledge

Leek Tart with Goat Cheese Sprout Mushroom Buffer with Leek Vegetable Meatloaf in a leek

Leeks 101 - The Basics (April 2024).

Vegetables, after cooking, leek, vegetables