Back to natural hair color? Why do I continue to dye my hair?

The natural hair color is supposed to be the one that suits you best. Yes, that may be the case in the Stone Age Cave. If I received my Sun Ration daily and maintained a balanced, healthy lifestyle, maybe that could happen too. But basically I spend a lot of time in the office, do not sleep enough, get too little fresh air and eat far too often from fast food. As a result, I tend to dark circles and pale as a limestone wall. My natural hair color moves somewhere between sandstone and boulders. That may seem quite harmonious in a landscape. In everyday life my natural hair color just makes me look stinking boring? also tired and somehow ill. I feel about as attractive as a plastered wall.

Natural hair color makes me older than I am

And not only that: My natural hair color also makes me older. So the wall is still crumbling. It's great when the trendy fashionistas want to draw my attention to the fact that the natural hair color is much better than any artificially colored hair. Well, these ladies have gone through in doubt, no hormone chaos with hair loss. My thin hair is just hanging down and I do not have time to curl it daily with a curling iron. In addition, the young ladies still lack the experience that every natural hair color eventually reaches its personal endpoint. Attention, spoilers! Then the natural middle brown turns into light gray or directly white? Rauhputz sends greetings. Of course, you can proudly wear Birgit Schrowange's natural, gray hair. I think that's great! For me that looks more like a cloud of dust on the building had caught me. Gray hair is proven to be older, so I'll stick with it. Let's summarize: not every woman can wear her natural hair color well.

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Dyeing hair for more life on the face

My hair has actually gone through a lot: bright red, blond strands, brown strands, highlights, black, a light purple. I have also talked a lot with hairdressers, tried cheap drugstore color and my hair extremely strained. Now in my mid-thirties, I'm no longer looking or needing to experiment. I know exactly what I am and what I want? and that's definitely not my natural hair color, but a very dark, cool brown. Please without reddish. A little more bark than a stone wall. This matches well with my skin and eye color as well as with my clothes and the make-up that I like to wear. It makes the gray hair disappear, my thin hair splendor appear fuller and fuller and breathes a little more life thanks to luminosity. Slightly snowwhites (before biting into the apple). About every six to eight weeks my hair needs the color, which bores my hairdresser enormously, but makes me the woman I want to be. After all, he is allowed to dye my hair. By the way, he considers the trend of natural hair color to be a myth or hypocritical excuse: "Women with dyed hair simply feel better because they emphasize their individual type and regularly do something for themselves." There you are!

I DYED MY HAIR OVER 10 TIMES THIS YEAR | My secrets to healthy color treated hair (July 2024).

Natural hair color, hair dye, hairdresser