Annoying water retention? You have to know that


Drinking at least one and a half liters a day is good for kidney function and indirectly promotes flushing out of water. Pay attention to low-salt mineral water (little sodium and chloride ions, compare information on the labels).


Nettle tea helps against swollen feet and hands: brew three teaspoons of nettle herb per cup, let it soak for ten minutes. Drink three cups daily. When the body stores water, especially in the second half of the cycle: from the 15th day of the cycle on, take a herbal chervil (Agnus castus). Also, vitamin B6 is good against water retention (ask a doctor because overdose is possible).

When to the doctor?

If the water retention is so bad that a dent remains when you press a finger into the tissue.

Water Weight | 5 Ways to Reduce Sodium Bloating Fast | Water Retention Remedies (May 2024).

Water retention, alternative medicine, home remedies, water retention